I’d love to talk to you in person. See my face. Might make it more real to you. A couple of attempts at taking my life along with plenty of others I know. But you wouldn’t care about that as it’s not in the news.
I think if we hadn't had lockdown then people would have died from other causes anyway, you can't magic health staff from nowhere.
It is hard to imagine what it could have been like without lockdown. I don't know how to phrase this without it sounding like suicide top trumps but I know healthcare workers who couldn't cope with the situation they were facing daily People needed more support but mental health services have been underfunded for years. All I can say is I'm glad you were unsuccessful and still posting on the board. And I fervently hope we don't have another lockdown
I did briefly consider having a tattoo that said “From each according to his ability to each according to his needs” But it was too long so I got a random symbol instead. To be fair the older I get the more left wing I get so there’s time yet and I do give my kid a quid everyone she can recite something from the little red book correctly
Schools aren't so much a danger to pupils but are to the staff... https://news.yahoo.com/15-miami-dade-public-school-021517732.html
My lovely Mum is dying of Cancer, I had to fight to get her an appointment at Huddersfield Road surgery. They were not interested. We are too obsessed with this now. Roll out of booster jabs needs to get sorted. We need to stay safe, but can't live like this any longer. We need to put money into the NHS, something we've failed to do under 11 years of Tory rule.
For many, many CEV people, everything in their power is nothing though, as they still have to go to work. I would still love to know the figures, as I’ve never been able to find them, of how many of the flu deaths are of people who had the flu vaccine and how many are of people who were eligible for it and didn’t bother getting it.
It’s certainly a danger to the people who the vaccine has no effect on, and probably plenty of others, the second you walk through the door you would never know Covid exists. I know people want and need normality now but this seems a bit nuts.
Sorry to hear that mate,my missus mum passed away with lung cancer and she still struggles with it,good luck.
Mi dads mate is 60,had both vaccines,was in intensive care for weeks,came out a couple of days back,still feels abit rough like.
Between eat out to help out and Xmas we did a 2nd lockdown. I don't for a 2nd think we will have another lockdown but just say we did how do you think the British public would take to it? I think it would go down like a lead balloon vaccinate almost all the nation then lock them down just months later, I honestly think they would have great trouble enforcing it. Like said it wouldn't be for me. As for g.p appointments over the phone you telling a g.p your problem and they try diagnose it best they can is very diffrent to face to face appointment and I think the sooner they go back to normal the better for the publics health. https://www.northantslive.news/news/northamptonshire-news/jeremy-vine-caller-year-live-5861221.amp Look at the link there's why g.p appointments aren't all the same weather face to face or telephone like you say.
I think we need to be careful about calling something a clamour. There may be a begrudging acceptance that at a certain point, some form of reintroduction of some measures may be required. But I certainly don't see people with placards and pitchforks demanding such a thing. I struggle to see how our serial liar PM will go for anything like a full blown lockdown like we first had in March 2020. We'd have to have a catastrophic failure of the vaccine and likely a significant morphing of the virus. There won't be a single person on here (hopefully anywhere) that would welcome such a thing. All we can do in the interim is do our individual bit as best we can. It's all we can ever do.
And the logistics in maintaining the supply chains. It's not a tap to be turned on and off. The cash flow impact on licenced trade can be horrendous. Creditors are paid from current cash flow. No sales, no cash, creditors delayed in payment, creditor can't pay their suppliers and on it goes.
Weird isn't it that people can't just accept that some may have a different view without constantly posting ******** again and again that people are "clamouring" for or "supporting" lockdowns when not one person on here is wanting or asking for us to be locked down. And this lie continues to be repeated and people get upset when called out on it. Not wanting something but thinking in the right circumstances (i.e total hospital overload) it may be necessary is not clamouring for lockdowns. It is just a different view- you don't need to twist it. Anyone perpetuating this nonsense is acting disingenuously and IMO being a bit of a knob. Sorry if that hurts anyone's feelings
Exactly. If you go down the supply chain you realise just how damaging the impact is across multiple sectors and businesses. You simply can’t function and exist in these conditions.
Not advocating for a lockdown at all, this is more for the people who think that lockdowns don't work Theoretically/hypothetically, if the whole country is allowed to gear up for let's say a 3 week lockdown and everyone actually listened to the rules and stayed in at all times, where and how would the virus travel to infect others? I can't do the exact math but just taking an educated guess here, if during the first lockdown, just everyone stayed indoors for 2/3 weeks, no interacting with anyone, schools all shut down, no travel etc, wouldn't it have saved a lot of time and money compared to potentially locking down in October 2021? Just a hypothetical, don't think it could work in the real world because there's a lot fo impact to the economy etc and an amount of people didn't care for the rules last year
It is impossible to lock everyone down. You need emergency services to stay in operation for starters, so whilst it would greatly reduce the opportunity for transmission it wouldn't get rid of it for good.