Out of all the Tories, Gavin Williamson is both one of the most pathetic and dangerous. Not many folk I hate, but I hate that thing with the fire of a thousand suns.
Just another 24 hours in the Populist Tory Nation. Williamson confuses black people. dePfeffel breaks multiple manifesto pledges. Places the burden of social care onto the poorest (while not even earmarking the money primarily for social care). Calls the scheme progressive (despite unanimous business condemnation and a certain dePfeffel saying in 2002 that any increases to NI are regressive). Introduce the elections bill which will make it mandatory to show ID when voting to eliminate voter fraud which doesn't exist, while handing powers to the government to ignore any sanctions or report findings from the electoral authority. Meanwhile we've found out that the world leading FTA with Australia hasn't actually been signed, but ministers have agreed to ignore binding terms as set out by the Paris Climate Change Accord. Oh, and polluters have been allowed to dump raw sewage into our rivers because water companies are unable to get the chemicals to treat it... because of that B word thing. #theyreallthesame
I got a shiny new blue/black passport this week. The front binding curled up in the sunlight within an hour but it's worth every single shred of chaos, lies, upheaval and cronyism. What they need to do next is put a picture of the Queen in every school classroom and have the kinder sing the national anthem every morning.
Starmer is a tough one . Happily voted Corbyn , in fact he's the only Labour leader I've ever felt compelled to vote for . Starmer on the other hand ......it may be a case of wait and see with this Tory lot to see how bad they actually get to see if I'll actually find starmer electable .
Serious thought. I live in the south and I find myself surrounded by working class people who vote Tory. Hard working people making a living who get on with life and accept what life gives them. I am loyal to the Labour Party and I believe in values of fairness, looking after the weakest in society and delivering services for the taxes that we pay. I’m annoyed beyond belief that two out of the last three prime ministers went to Eton and that there is a presumption of a right to rule. I find it hard to sell my view in the current climate and no matter how s*** the current government is there is a belief that Labour would be no better. I am losing sight of the vision of the party and it seems that I’m following the ethos that fit the sixties rather than the present day. When will we get a party vision for the 2020s that can carry the public confidence?
I'm not sure a party will truly set out a vision for the country again, purely because of how it is dissected, conflated and distorted to then appear to be something else which is magnified through the media. Milliband started the process of being silent and not announcing policy, and Starmer is continuing it. You can see it actually riles dePfeffel in the PMQ exchanges, always trying to pin Starmer as not having a policy and to goad one out of him. There are some aspects of Starmer that are ok, there are some that leave something to be desired, and in a fair system that rewarded actual votes (never going to happen with this mob in power) we could all plump for the nearest ideological party. My personal view right now is that whoever I need to vote for to ensure this constituency doesn't go blue is who I'll have to vote for. It will be a vote to oust, not a pro vote. That's not right in itself, but the thought of 4-5 more years post GE of this should fill everyone who isn't a multi millionaire with dread.
The problem I have with labour is effectively new labour and what it became . I'm into social democracy and Corbyn at least spoke that language . If this labour under starmer is in effect a rebranded new labour then it's a no from me . I vote accordingly to what the party has to offer as apposed to how bad the other side is . It's why a lot of people vote green these days as ultimately I haven't heard any labour policies of note so no reason to vote for them as of yet .
Yeah. Lived down south for years but when it comes to politics I might as well have come from a different planet. Just about everyone views Labour as somehow alien. The only thing the know about the north is the usual stereotypes and Thatcher crushing the miners (who of course deserved it.) But then what would anyone down here know about industrialisation? One evening I sort of lost it. I asked them to imagine being sent underground day after day, knowing every day could be your last, of the pits that went up, just a few miles from me - Oaks, Swaithe, Darley and the rest - the hundreds, thousands killed, tens of thousands maimed in accidents, the orphans, the widows and every day you had to go back down to sweat out every last penny of profit for the owners who didn’t give a **** if you died or were crippled, because there were more than enough looking for work. I asked them - didn’t that amount to little more than industrialised mass-murder? And I asked, if that was their life, had been their father’s, grandfather’s life, wouldn’t they get together for the sake of their family - every family, and for the sake of the generations to come - and try and change things and get behind a new movement? They could call it 'Labour’ or something. That - I tell my Tory friends - is where I come from. And you, whether you like it or not, are the new working class. You could soon find out how very hard your life will become if there’s no alternative to your Tory masters. That shut the ******** up.