She's probably the best of the journalists at the minute. 3 or 4 times she was overlooked by the cowardly liar of a PM at Covid pressers because of tough questions asked previously.
Thanks for that Dreamboy. And there you have it this idiot of a prim-minister, shame on you that voted this corrupted government into power.
I’m confident that the demise of the triple lock will be temporary, a bit like the licensing hours change in 1914 under the defence of the realm act.
Wages collapsed last year, the state pension didn't, the fact that wages are going back to their previous rate shouldn't mean that pensions get a matching increase
If anyone is complaining about not getting an overinflated increase due to a statistical anomaly they need to give their head a wobble. Earnings haven’t increased by the amount the triple lock would increase pensions by and earners are already being hit by increased NI. The sooner the triple lock is abolished the better. Will never happen though as it’s a vote loser.
British pensioners are one of the lowest paid In Europe , so yeah let’s have a go at pensioner bashing us and them just like the Torys love it
Where have I bashed pensioners? You can think the base amount paid is too low whilst still thinking the mechanism for determining future increases is not fit for purpose. The triple lock is unsustainable in the long term, that’s undeniable. The mechanism means eventually the state pension will become higher than average earnings. It might take a generation, it might take two generations. At some point it’s going to have to change. I’m also convinced the state pension will become means tested eventually. We’re being primed for this through auto enrolment into private pension schemes. If you’ve saved enough in a private pension throughout your working life you won’t get a state pension. Young people will be expected to save for their own private pension whilst continuing to pay “insurance” for a state pension they’ll probably never get. If this is likely to be the case then we need some honestly now and for the whole system to be completely reformed. NI should be scrapped and replaced with higher income tax rates and there needs to be a guarantee today about what state pensions/support will look like 40 years from now so young people can manage their finances over their working life. Bad news now is better than bad news 5 years before you’re about to retire.
So e people are so poorly paid they can’t afford a private pension Whikst ever we deem some jobs not worthy of a decent wage and un that prejudice is stopped this is what happens . And you said the sooner it’s stopped the better ! Nothing about winding it down and saying it’s unsustainable now when we are the poorest paid pensioners in Europe never mind eu