I can understand some voting for Greens if they find the Labour vote less palatable, but I dont understand someone voting for this Tory manifestation if they have socialist views. And I find it difficult to understand someone voting in a puritan way for absolute ideals if it allows the worst possible administration into being with unlimited power. None of thats a dig at anyone by the way. I didn't vote last election because my constituency has a 30,000 Labour majority and I knew my vote would make no difference, and I could fully understand people saying they don't understand why I did that either. As I touched on in another post, the most important thing for me right now is that at the next GE, this vile government is ideally removed.... and if not removed, at least hugely weakened so any form of revolt makes passing bills much more difficult.
So by all means vote Green if you disagree with Labour. As a pragmatist, I worried about Corbyn simply because I could never see him getting elected (and also the very very aggressive Twitterarti he seemed to surround himself with). In fact, I rejoined Labour when Starmer became leader because he appears more electable. Time will tell, but the fact is that getting rid of the present incumbent surely has to be the priority. If I thought that could be the Greens I’d probably vote that way myself.
The Corbynista on Twitter at least don't seem to realise that the problem wasn't the policies, but that they had put someone as the figurehead who had too much that could be used to target him. He might as well have had a 200 ft high bullseye on his back (and I voted for him *twice* after not voting in 2010). They now complain about the lack of policies, but it isn't election time. Any policies announced now would be torn apart and rubbished in the media, or stolen by the other parties. Labour just needed a credible leader who didn't have the same history as Corbyn and they could well have won in 2019. With hindsight, they were never going to with Corbyn - and I wanted him to and voted for him.
I've got a great MP in Leeds NW. Alex Sobel. Will vote for him, he's making a massive difference for our constituency.
In 2017 we were 2000 votes from having Corbyn as our PM. If it hadn't been for the political interference of a foreign state and sabotage by the right wing of the part the country would be in the mess it is in now.
The "history" that Corbyn was always on the right side of? This country doesn't deserve a grown up PM.
So have people in Richmondshire, so much so that their MP managed to put his relatively rich constituency in front of a much poorer constituency (Barnsley) as a region that needs help, and get £48 million was it. Not meaning to be pedantic or anything here, but it shows how it really is an unfair and unjust country for many people.
I mean it always sounds good; but it’s not really true is it? In order to turn round the 2000 people we ‘needed’ we had to convince at least 100x that, because we had no idea where they were till the votes were in. It’s one of the Corbynista’s great lies. I voted for him (twice) and the first time we got closer than I’d imagined we could. But to still be banging the Corbyn drum instead of pulling together to find a way to win the next election is a folly many will come to regret.
I think this is quite serious. Either he is incompetent or deliberately malicious. Imagine you are black skinned, a member of your government doesn't recognise one sportsperson from another and gets their name wrong. Even in America you would be castigated and lose your job for such an error. A politician in France lots their job for something similar.a few years ago. I return to my earlier question, is he incompetent or deliberately malicious? Will he be sacked, resign or apologise? Don't hold your breath. In the UK, if you are black or brown skinned, or working class, you count for nothing. He is a complete disgrace and a w******, he threatens the PM and Theresa May before him,that as a former Whip,he knows the Party's secrets. He knows nothing, they should call his bluff. He is the worst Education Secretary in recent memory and there's been some clowns in the past 30 years. It's your country, f******* get off your backsides and fight for it.
In reply to your question I think he’s both, but unfortunately it’s just yet another disturbing episode of this lousy, rotten, corrupt Govt. that will just go away
In the early part of the 20th century, cartoons of miners always showed them with black faces with the clear intention of portraying them as people from Africa - people to be feared and hated. Williamson is a horrifying reincarnation of that proud line of ignorant racists.
who is this Starmer bloke? Is he the empty suit that occasionally speaks in a dull estate agent drawl to agree with Johnson.
to be fair Starmer lied pretending he was going to take those policies forward with less baggage and a nice suit. I suspect if he had stuck to the 10 pledges and done that he would be easily ahead in the polls. Instead he’s a third rate Blair impersonator who will be hammered if still in place at the next election.
we hear you. Again. A thread about an incompetent Tory literally laughing h in our faces get this comment. The longer Labour voters repeat this mantra (one that’s plainly untrue) the longer we stay on the sidelines.
I voted for Starmer in the leadership election based on his lies. This is zero chance of me voting for Labour while ever he is leader. Green all the way for me.
you are correct. Starmer is in fact a fantastic orator and not at all dull…I’m a floating voter the type the empty suit needs to win over. I’ve no interest in electing a slightly less tory tory party.
yea, we can watch the tories romp home instead. It could be argued we’ve got exactly what you are looking for already. These lot seem to enjoy the tax and spend mantra so often blamed on the left.
Starmer was especially pathetic with that puerile attack line yesterday. Instead of setting forward bold transformational ideas of his own around progressive taxation he makes the worst possible call. I suspect the next election will see Labour reduced to 150-170 MPs if they stick with Starmer and it will be thoroughly deserved. As they chase the xenophobic ‘red wall’ voters they lose more and more of their base to us Greenies. It’s a stupid attempt to out tory the tories and will never succeed. The only path to electoral success after the centrists lost Scotland is via a Progressive Alliance and pre election pacts with a commitment to PR. Starmer blocks all that. Someone with an actual vision like say Clive Lewis needs to lead. Or Burnham who managed to outline a fairer easily understood policy in about 10 minutes that Starmer should have embraced if he had any political instinct.