Not personally being an easily purchased whore, in the sky, Murdock harem, I miss most ‘good’ football. But just saw the world’s best centre forward against the world’s best centre half. It only half time on my pauper terrestrial itv plus 1. Logging off before sky slags spoil it for me..
Serves England right never really attacked never had more than 1 in the box Poland were looking really dangerous in the last 5 mins and packed the box giving them a lot more chance of scoring. I think Poland deserved the point
Poland deserved that. A very flat England performance. Solid enough, but as others said, not many players getting into the box. I thought Helik looked as solid and composed as ever. He'll be a shoe-in starter soon enough. He's better than Glik anyway.
England suffer from Barnsleyitis huff and puff up front without really threatening, it happens far too often for me, not sure who the answer is but we do need to get somebody ese in there for me.
Agreed Thought he looked pretty decent. He's definitely the player I fear we will miss massively when sold. Let's be right, unless we go up, this lad IMO will be in the premier League one way or another
I said very early on in his Barnsley career that he'd be sold for in excess of £10 million. Nothing has happened to change my mind so far. And if he goes for less than that, someone isn't doing their job properly.
Very frustrating watching last night, shouting at the telly to get the ball in the box but then realising why they never put the ball in; we never had more than 1 in there.