I thought that, so I looked up Morris and Woodrow, and here is Morris' stats from the same site showing his wide starts for us last season.
I am curious , are there some fitness issues with Gomez or is there another reason why we might be waiting for him ?
If you look at the formations Metz payed last season though they tried everything. 5-4-1, a front three, a front two with one behind. I'm going to guess that it was pretty fluid and it's his attributes that make him a forward that can play anywhere across the front three. For Morris I meant before we signed him.
I have already stated that I would not be leaving out Palmer for Gomez, its just the way I read your post , I thought something might have happened to him, incidentally I thought he looked pretty fit when he played against us but I do not know how much football he has played at City.
I'm sure he's super fit. I was meaning more in terms of knowing what's required and being comfortable in his surroundings, with the tactics, etc. Although he's played misters football before for the PSV 'reserve' side so should hit the ground running. Absolutely no idea what level that is mind.
Does that mean you wouldn't think it fair dropping Palmer for someone whose only just been in the building so to speak? Wouldn't it be best letting Schopp judge them both on what he sees in training and footballing ability?
I wouldn't drop Palmer or Benson this weekend personally because I don't know anything about Gomes and I haven't witnessed training. So I'm not going to suggest we bring players in I know nothing about for players who have started the season well for a team with only one league defeat so far. But I'm not actually telling Schopp to do anything or suggesting who starts. I was answering a question on why Gomes might not start.
I'd say after only five games it doesn't matter too much if Gomes starts because the whole squad is still adapting to Schopp's style of play.
Well it matters is he's not up to the task. I don't for a second think he won't be by the way - but there's no way I can confidently have an opinion either way and I really rate Benson and Palmer.
He could tweak it slightly. Collins Sibbick, Helik, Halme Brittain, Palmer, Benson, Gomes, Styles Woodrow, Iseka. That way you'd have an extra body in the middle and keep Styles on the left. You'd still manage to get both the new signings in without breaking Benson and Palmer up.
Next two fixtures are real tough nuts to crack so anything he can get will be a bonus. I won't be hypocritical on him over games I've already written off as freebies.
I've just looked over my midfield and whilst the central three would be solid. You still have the problem when Palmer starts blowing. Do you bring on Oduor on the left for Palmer and push Styles into the middle? Maybe I was harsh leaving out Freiser but his energy could come in handy late on.