The only thing that I found suspicious about 9/11 is that the way in which the towers came down like a demolition. This isn't me saying it was an inside job, I don't think it was, I just found the way they dropped was weird. The conspiracy theories just don't stack up for me, I feel there's much easier ways to invade countries without killing thousands of your own.
An article that explains the collapse below.
You do realise if Steel melted it would actually become liquid? Well before that stage I would assume the structural integrity of the structure would give out.
I know. They've always been a bit gung ho though. I knew i was setting myself up for riducle. Then there was the plane that circled the pentagon to crash into the only part of it that had no cctv or people in. Instead of just nose diving and maybe killing at least a couple of higher ranked Americans.
I may be mistaken but I believe I have seen cctv footage of the impact on the pentagon. And nose diving? Again I'm no expert but I would imagine that would be a difficult skill for a seasoned pilot.
I thought that would be the easiest? Anyway I think I've said enough. People should keep an open mind though. America are the biggest terrorists in the world.
Certainly have a open mind, and as I pointed out to a friend this morning this is the same nation that dropped 2 nukes on Japan killing innocent people by the thousands. From my limited knowledge of aviation (again mainly from documentaries) no keeping the plane flying level while just reducing altitude is relatively straightforward. Putting it into a dive while itself would be very easy, having control of the plane and hitting a target by attempting such a maneuver would be incredibly difficult.
Why would they need to fake the pentagon crash? The twin towers attacks would have been enough justification for action.