Feel for Harvey Elliot but thats never a red card in a million years.Referees are frightened to death when making decisions now since the introduction of var.
Not sure how it can be debated. The initial challenge was ok, but he then span round, ended up with one leg in front of Elliot's ankle, and one behind, and rolled over. We're quick to say red cards should be handed out for tackles that "could" break somebody's leg, but not so much for those that actually do.
I agree it was a scissor tackle from behind , he got the ball but was always going to foul him , wreckless , red card
Terrible injury and I really feel for the lad. Genuine attempt to make a tackle though and never a red card. Can see why the ref has given though, purely because of the extent of the injury.
Initially I didn't think it was a red, but actually he had his non-tackling foot in the air which is what broke the leg, definite red.
Yep, he left the ground, and had no control of his trailing leg. Once that wrapped behind his ankle, it was just a case of whether he'd damage the bone, the ligaments or both.