The Glassworks ‘Tower’ circled in red, is essentially where the old Metropolitan Centre ended. It’s where Thurston’s/Greggs once stood for a very long time. This is the closest I can get. It’s difficult to get your bearings as the extension to the met centre (TK Maxx) takes the building off in a direction that never existed before.
I love that photo. Do you know if during the day random people like me can go onto the roof terrace of the library or is it closed off?
How long before the new Sough Dike is filled with used jonnys, tampons, wet wipes, cotton buds and shopping trollies?
You saying how good it looked at night was the only reason I went into town last night to have a look. I walked over the bridge to look at the back too and you're right about the lighting back there looking really good. Is it just me or does the glassworks logo on the side and back of the cinema make a big difference too? Stops it being a big blank surface. The only thing I'm worried about is the stupid covid statue. From the box around where it's going it looks to be in completely the wrong place and ruins the flow of the new square
Plans for anchor tenant signage in silver on that side too - plus the Cineworld signage still to be applied. I think a living wall would’ve been good to add something different and break up the colours. I also think some big screens would’ve worked on both sides. Interestingly, the council have been refusing a very large number of planning applications to replace old pasted advertising boards with digital advertising screens around the town - they say it distracts drivers, but other towns seem to have them everywhere and they’ve approved others near roads so I’ve really no idea what the issue is.
That will definitely be a further improvement. Agree about big screens too, they've definitely missed a trick not putting one on the front of the Cineworld building which would have given the square a real purpose during events and attracted so many people. No idea why they've been refusing planning for digital boards either, makes no sense when they've got one right next to the road at stairfoot
Re the digital screens, given they consume energy (could be green powered) could the council have some guidance in place to refuse something on the basis of increased energy consumption ? If thats the reason they are refusing them, fair play.
From what I remember reading in the refusal notices, that wasn’t one of the reasons. I’ll take another look at the applications this week just to double check.
Its bad enough at football with digital dogs running all round the pitch. Well done council for keeping them off our roadsides. There must be better ways to raise revenue.
There's a digital board on the side of a terraced house on Donny Road not far from the junction with Cemetry Road. Only problem is that there's a great tree obscuring most of it which I would have thought was more dangerous than one in full view. It caught my eye for a few seconds, mainly because I couldn't see what it was advertising.
They've refused one at the side of the bingo place on harborough hill. These are the reasons The reasons for the Council’s decision to refuse planning permission are: 1 In the opinion of the Local Planning Authority, the proposed advertisement would adversely impact highway safety due to its location, luminance level and interaction with highway users on and entering Harborough Hill Road. Consequently it is considered that the signage disrupts the safe, secure and convenient access and movement of highway users on Harborough Hill Road and it therefore conflicts with Local Plan Policy T4 - New Development and Transport Safety, the SPD Advertisements as well as the Institute of Lighting Professionals 'Professional Lighting Guide 05 - The Brightness of Illuminated Advertisements'. 2 In the opinion of the Local Planning Authority, the proposed advertisement would materially harm the appearance of the street scene, by reason of its location relative to and impact upon a protected tree, this arrangement would further reduce the limited volume of soft landscaping visible along the highway which would be counter-productive to 'placemaking' and injurious to the aesthetic quality of the locality. The proposal is therefore in conflict with Local Plan Policy D1 - High Quality Design and Place Making and the SPD Advertisements. Theyve also refused one on race common road and one on Wakey road for the same reasons, road safety (distraction) and harming the look of the street. At the same time they've passed dozens of planning applications for digital advertising boards on the sides of bus stops which surely is just as distracting for drivers. After all the whole idea is you look at them. Actually whether it's digital or traditional paper surely an advertising board at the side of the road is there to be looked at by drivers so with that respect aren't they all equally as distracting in theory? You either look at it or you don't.
Digital ones must be more effective ie more attracting (distracting a driver) otherwise they wouldn't do it.
I agree they must be but isn't that just a case of they grab the attention of more drivers rather than they grab each drivers attention more intensely?