Alfie Romeo/arr Alf. 2004-2021. Came to me in sad circumstances 18 months ago. Great Lockdown buddy & proper gent. I liked this one, but then I like them all. Just humans who do my head in..
Always a really sad time ! At least you have the consolation that you made his last months happy ones!
I’m so sorry, Mr C. Alf had a great year and a half with you, you brought him so much joy and love during that time. I hope it brings you some comfort knowing how happy you made him.
Aww mate, sounds like you both had a good few months together. Not all humans are bad, you've proved that.
He will be waiting for you with all your other old pets at the gates of Heaven when you arrive sometime in the future. Best wishes
It's awful when anything loses its life but there's one thing I know and that's if I was a dog at the end of my life then there isn't a person on this planet who would care for me and make me as comfortable as you would. Your love for dogs and your warm heart and ability to look after them has always shown and you arena credit to the human race
So sorry to hear of Alfie's passing, Paul, old mate. However, there's no doubt in my mind that these last eighteen months have extended his already long life, filled with love, gentleness and happiness. Well done, Paul.
Sad to hear about Alfie and glad he got the end of life care he deserved from a very caring owner. I know I wouldn’t have the emotional strength to do what you do for these dogs good on yer.