Thanks Kev, old bean. Moving house was a wrench for him, but I like to think he felt generally happy & safe. Lovely little fella. No complaints at all. Not even the brand new, soiled carpets.. .
Well don't soil them, then! You are far stronger than I, when it comes to looking after old dogs. It takes a special human being to do so and I believe that sums you up perfectly.
Accidents will happen.!! Just saw my favourite late summer sight, from the Wentworth pub garden. A perfect Flying V of Canada geese. Grouping to head south for their holidays. Then a couple broke off & headed to Greaseborough damns, to pick up a few young stragglers, no doubt. Gone now, probably somewhere over North Lincolnshire. Beautiful. You can set your watch, or at least, calendar, by them. Our Swallows, Swifts & Martins are increasingly less predictable. I blame Brexit.. See you at football soon, old pal.
I don't know whether this is appropriate on a thread about Alfie, Paul, but we MIGHT be getting another dog. It would be our first since losing Sable four and a half years ago. If we do get it, I'll post a piccie on here.
You had a lovely time with him. You must have been a good couple together. We never forget our best friends. Love from us all.
Commiserations, love from the four pawed community can sometimes feel more complete than that from some of the two legged community. Sleep tight Alfie x
I will miss him loads...helped us both through this last 18 months ..cracking little pooch...Old Sniffer....he will be missed by all
Beautiful dog, really brilliant thing to take in an older dog, not many would. Best wishes Alfie and Mr C.
You should, old pal. Plenty out there needing homes & rescue centres will soon be overwhelmed, when the lockdown puppy people finally get bored.. Can’t wait to see who you get.. I’m always trawling the rescue pages, to see who’s out there, This little lass would suit me, but not yet..
I can’t commit to 17 years, so it’s not completely selfless. Losing 3 in 2 years has been tough, mind.
You liked him from day one, Gary. Such a gentle little lad. Never once heard him bark. A lot of love was shown yesterday, in the village.
This is who we're hoping to get, Paul. His name is Mayo and he's a rescue dog. He's got a scar over his left eye and part of his right ear has been ripped off. However, despite having a violent start to his young life, he's as gentle and sweet natured a dog as you could wish to meet. We've been to see him a couple of times already and will hopefully see him a couple of more times this week. With any luck, we'll have him residing at Casa De Big Lil by the weekend.
I can’t see the photos Kev, rubbish phone reception here, but that’s brilliant news. & such a worthy pooch. I sponsored a dog with a similar history & she absolutely flourished, once she found her home. Very best of luck, can’t wait to meet him. Very lucky lad to come to the Lils..
I wouldn't have selected the name Mayo for a dog, but he recognises it and we'll stick with it. My personal choice was 'Lee & Perrin's Worcestershire Sauce', but Laura (for some reason) said no!