The cashier wouldn’t let us buy a pack of paracetamol as I didn’t have ID (I’m 33), there’s no legal age limit on medicine and Will showed his ID. Never mind, bit annoying as it’s been out of stock the last 3 times I’ve been in Morrisons but I get she’s just (being very particular about) doing her job. I had a £5 off £50 spend voucher and forgot to add up stuff as we went around and the total came to £45.05 which means we could have got £4.95 of literally anything for free. It’s not exactly the end of the world, don’t get me wrong, but it is mildly annoying. We went to get petrol and someone almost drove into us on the roundabout by pulling out without looking and then after getting the petrol Will started to drive off without replacing the cap (I noticed it through the window hanging down straight away so no harm done). We then get home to find Iris has wrecked her bed. She’s never chewed anything or shown any bother that we’ve left her before. The black bit is the zip that she thankfully didn’t swallow. How’s your day been?
Good thanks. Young un won his football match, it didn't rain as forecast during it and I've the rest of the day to be lazy in now I've taken the dog for a walk! Thought paracetamol was an age restricted product so think 25 applies.
You think you’ve got it bad, I’m currently having to suffer really hot evenings and ice cold beers, just think on, there’s always folk worse off
Mines been good thanks @JamDrop. We have today sent the paperwork back to the estate agents in Italy to put forward our official offer on a property. Hoping for a positive response next week from the sellers.
Thought it was going to be a post about queuing for a WSL HT pie and you have just been served, 24 hours later.
should have said “hang on” to the cashier. And grabbed several packs of chewing gum and tic tacs to the tune of £4:95.
Next time, I’m definitely raiding the impulse buy area! Chewing gum and tic tacs doesn’t quite cut it like the chocolate displays used to though.
Talking of retail interactions in the UK. I used to pop the FDA-approved Zantac like candy to cure my incessant heartburn, before it was withdrawn for maybe causing cancer. When I was back visiting family a couple of years ago, I went into a pharmacy, but could only find Zantac 75. I asked if they had Zantac 150, which I usually purchased in the USA. The look on the Pharmacists face as he told me they were illegal in the UK. He made me feel like a druggie. I bought the Zantac 75 and took two at a time. Problem solved.