Where’s the catch? What’s Quidco? Am I gonna have to fill in a 1000-page questionnaire about my shopping habits?
Quidco is basically a portal site that’s basically free. Easy sign up and the when you purchase stuff, you go thru Quidco to get discounts payable in cash back. You can have the cash back to your bank account or can get an extra percentage applied if you take vouchers (e.g. Amazon). The site you’re purchasing from (e.g. curry’s) sends the cash back to your Quidco account after a few weeks, sometimes months, but generally it does come thru. I always use it for insurance, phone deals and often for Electricals and over the last 5 or 6 years I’ve got about 2 grand back. I think I pay £5 a year for premium, but the basic level is free I think.
Careful though, Quidco isn’t always 100% reliable as my many missing transactions or “cashback declined” statements show.
This. I went through a phase of trying to use Quidco, TopCashback, etc, but a fair few of my larger cashbacks often disappeared from my pending list. I’ve given up on it since.
Use Quidco or Topcashback for all online purchases....worth checking both as % rates can differ. Insurance policies through them are usually pretty good - had £40 back on a £190 car insurance premium earlier this year. I've had well over £1k back across both sites down the years. You often have to wait weeks, but it's free money at the end of the day.
Stared using topcashback at beginning of year and had just short of £200 back so far. 1 life insurance policy got me £90 back plus a £50 argos voucher, then had £40 back from a house insurance policy
I tried this ages ago via Quidco and they were only doing it for new customers so be careful and read T&Cs if anyone interested. NordVPN are decent though
I’m not sure if there’s a catch with NordVPN as I believe it’s a subscription service so I’m not sure what the cash back would include exactly but Quidco (and TopCashback) is fantastic and saves me £100s of pounds every year and no, there’s no surveys to fill in or anything like that. You sign up for free (unless you want to pay £5 a year out of your earnings for premium - I do as you get bigger cash back values when cashing out with certain companies but it’s absolutely not needed to use Quidco and it only comes out of earning so if you don’t make a fiver that year you don’t pay it). In a nutshell, whenever you buy something online, it’s worth going to Quidco (and/or TopCashback) and checking if they offer cash back for where you are shopping. If they do, click the link and it takes you to the official website of the shop you are buying from. You then just buy your stuff as normal. A few weeks or months later (depending on the company) X amount of money (whatever cash back you were offered) appears in your Quidco account. You can then either transfer it straight into your bank or exchange it for vouchers at different shops. If you exchange for vouchers you will get slightly more than you do for cash (this is where premium comes in because you get even more on each voucher so can easily make more than the £5 if you exchange for vouchers regularly). There are certain things that offer very high cash back rates: insurance (car, home, life etc), phone contracts, opening bank accounts, opening new betting accounts and betting a small amount (not encouraging that if you can’t be disciplined with it but I’ve done a few and got £50 each time for betting a fiver and then never logged in again) and standard every day shopping gives quite small percentages that all add up. A good rule to follow is don’t buy anything purely for the cash back. It’s rare, but sometimes the company doesn’t pay up. I’d say that of the very rare times that has happened, Quidco have solved it 9 times out of 10 when you raise a dispute (fill in a form on their website) but it can happen so don’t rely on it to afford whatever you’re getting. If anyone wants to use my referral link then they we both get £5 after you get your first £10 cash back but, as I honestly would recommend everyone who buys anything online gets a free account, then I’d be happy if anyone just signed up without using my link if you think I’m just trying to talk you into it and my link puts you off. https://www.quidco.com/raf/3160536/ If your wondering why and how they do this, they make money from companies who pay Quidco for directing traffic to their sites. TL: DR sign up, it’s free money.
I use it (free version), best deal so far was £120 cash-back on home insurance, so I insured my house for £17. Edit, it can take months for the cash-back to be paid mind.