Anybody got one.? Pros & cons please, particularly about toilet habits. Genuinely asking for a friend. Having never looked after one, am short of answers.
Can be very loving dogs apparently. Toilet habits ... they wee and they poo. Really hope this helps cos that's the limit of my knowledge of stiffies.
Ha, in all seriousness my sister in law has a staffy and she's lovely, no issues with toilet training, just a good natured, lovely doggo
Check whether it suffers from blocked anal glands. I understand that can be a problem with some staffies.
Sisters in law can be lovely. Sometimes that grass is greener on't t'other side !! Especially if they are toilet trained, as you say.
Genuinely lovely dogs if looked after and raised properly...some suffer from skin problems and need a grain free diet, they tend to dislike other dogs which is why it's so easy to get them to fight...and they tend to fret if left alone and some will destroy your home
They 5hit allover too even if well trained. I remember when me and Laura lived with her Aunty Shell. It was like walking through a minefield getting my snap from fridge. Slightest thing spooks em'.
Amazing temperament - the label they have as aggressive dogs is laughable, hence all the disappointed wannabe gangsters who dump them on rescue centres when they turn out not to be the status-symbols they'd hoped!! The Victorians knew them as 'nanny dogs' as they were so good around children.