Hope you didn't enjoy the Hatton fight. I was robbed! Martinez should have won by 4 rounds. What beers do you have? I'm on the Rum. Nearly let autocorrect change that to Rim. That would have been embarrassing.
I thought you said you were jealous OF the kebab for a second there. Thought you wanted whitey to put you in his mouth
Staropramen has been my downfall several times over the last 18 months. It sneaks up on you. Cracking pint though. Especially at the School House.
I don't think anyone is an apologist, some people have just been saying don't panic after 8 (now 9) league games. That's all. I don't want to make love to Schopp whilst I watch us lose to Blackpool and then clean his car afterwards, I just don't think we need to make a rash (in my opinion) decision this early in the season. Surely you can see the difference?
I don't know Schopp and I've never been at any training sessions or in the dressing room and I've never listened to any of his interviews so I have no way of knowing what he's like but the feeling I get is that he's not a motivator. It's basically the same set of lads that last season under Val were supermen are now a bunch of Clarke Kents. In conclusion sack the board, manager tea lady and scoreboard operator. Not fit for purpose.
If this is true those fans should be ashamed. I understand people’s frustrations and their right to moan, but there is no excuse for abusing your own players. Do they think that venting their vitriol on young players will make them perform better? I think they need a dictionary more than a season ticket and should look up the word ‘supporter’. Being a Barnsley supporter is like a marriage. The vows that say “For better or worse, in sickness and health ‘til’ death us do part”.
3000 fans showed their support, by spending their hard earned money. They’re 100% entitled to vent their spleen for me. I wouldn’t have done it personally, but I understand why they did. The fans did their bit yesterday. The players didn’t.
My post says I understand people’s frustrations and of course fans can voice their opinions. Spending your hard earned cash doesn’t guarantee getting what you want. My point is that verbally abusing young players won’t make them play better. It’s counter productive and certainly is not ‘supporting’ your team.