Work hours? Trying to save their fuel during a shortage for something they can watch on TV? Annoyed with how badly we are playing? Isolating because of covid? Public transport a pain to get home? That it's going to be cold and possibly rainy? On holiday? Don't want to be anywhere near Dane Murphy? Get annoyed by scab chants? Could be any number of reasons for a season pass holder to not go. I bet quite a lot miss at least one match a season.
I don’t think you’re being jumped on tbf. People are just explaining many of the reasons why they might not be able to go to a match.
Even if people did criticise his comment it would be fair enough in my opinion. It is nobody else's business but Mido's. Most people wouldn't pass comment like that to a stranger in person, yet feel they can say whatever they want and be rude if it is on a forum. Not saying Red CB intended to be rude, but it came across that way to me.
I never asked for reasons why people cannot attend I just suggested that many of the subscribers to the BBS will be season ticket holders & be at the match
I repeat , I have not asked for reasons why people are not attending , you could open a fresh thread simply asking that question, I just presumed that many subscribers to the BBS will be in attendance I am obviously wrong , the future lies on the red button
You literally said it was "strange" in your first reply? People are explaining why it isn't strange that's all.
Same. Except I’m not sure I will bother watching us after Saturday. Didn’t feel enthused about going to see us in Blackpool and it never bothered me before but starting to find the commute for home games a bit tedious now to watch very poor quality games.
If people stay away because of this then I despair. I get annoyed by certain other things said and chanted at matches , such as the we all Leeds scum chant,but it doesn’t ‘t stop me from going
It's available on I follow. Club have confirmed it's on both sky and I follow to watch "Wednesday night’s game against Forest will be broadcast live in the UK by both Sky Sports and iFollow Barnsley. Sky Sports Arena is scheduled to show the 7.45pm kick-off live and, as this match has been selected as a co-exclusive broadcast, it will also be shown live on our own streaming service."
This is a very useful thread! I have Sky Arena in my collection through Virgin so that’s where I’ll be watching. Save fuel, 100 miles less on the clock, save the crushing disappointment of watching us not win again. Oh, and the weather might be poor. There, I’ve said it. Not a proper fan, obviously. I’ll be there Saturday though….
No you said it was strange people with season tickets wouldn't be attending - people then gave you legitimate reasons why which when you look at them aren't really strange excuses