But l have given up on the captain.l remember a recent manager who left saying he found Woodrow the most frustrating player.Every week am fed up of him rolling about looking for free kicks.To be honest hes never had much support,but l wouldnt miss him. As for captain Helik or Mads would be my choice. We have been unlucky with injuries this season,and some players have not found their form yet.Can anyone tell me if we are in a better position now with full backs or strikers than we were two or three years ago.Dont worry every things going to be o right
Having Callums Styles and Brittain as wing-backs was such a big part of our improvement last season. Prior to them, the best we could hope for was having someone competent in the position, but these guys made it one of our greatest assets. Changing the system and the personnel in those positions was always going to end badly.
At the moment I would think that people who haven't lost faith are in declining numbers. Not a definitive view but a gut feeling based on comments on here. If things carry on the optimists will be in a minority if they're not already.
I agree with you 100% but these two need to find their form quick.Dont think the tranfer speculation has helped either. Lets give some of the new young lads a chance and bit of time.. MY only comment on manager is disapointing.
He does seem to be making the worst of a bad situation, but I think any manager would have struggled with the squad he’s had available. It’s laughable that some people think we should be challenging for the playoffs again. Losing Mowatt and Dike was always going to be a massive blow. But take out Morris and Mads, along with shorter absences from Benson, Kitching, Palmer etc, and you’ve got a relegation fight on your hands.
To be fair, every striker does the same. If he wins the free kick it looks like clever play, if not, he looks a bit silly. Looks to me like he's started to compete for the ball a bit more in the last few games, which has led to him winning a few more free kicks, where as before he'd just back in and fall over. When Odour, Palmer and Iseka were all on on Saturday he made more off the ball runs into the box. Maybe if we have control of the midfield he'll feel less need to drop deep and play across the front of the opposition box so much.
Not sure how people are coming to this conclusion, 1 win in 10, I don't even see where the next goals coming never mind win, if schopp stays till Xmas with this style were gone.
Football fans are fickle (me included). Two wins in our next two games and we'll have a team of world beaters and the best manager in Europe.
yeah why would you support someone who has scored 51 goals in just under 3 seasons and who has scored more Championship goals than anyone since Dyer. It would be crazy to do so.
Agree to an extent, but in this case Iv seen enough to know that won’t be happening with this manager. Unfortunately he’s clearly not good enough, & I fully believe the players know it too. We need a motivator, & someone who’s quite clearly capable of identifying when something isn’t working & going back to basics. Something Schopp clearly can’t or won’t do! Concede first tomorrow & the atmosphere will be toxic.