cheers, but moving them by train, still leaves the containers/goods at a rail head and they have to be shifted from there but that does/should shift a fair few lorries off distance work ( in theory) but then those lorries on "day work" need to be garaged at night in one area as opposed to round the country in various truckstops/laybys. no easy solution is there
i just gave you the reasons it won’t work as a short term measure based on a 3 month visa where you will be rounded up on Christmas Eve and deported. it could work if you dropped all visa and Heath payments and the government picked up the tab for those and any retraining needed. And offered some sort of bonus say 5k Even then we would probably struggle due to poor facilities available ( there was an interview on Polish tv with a trucker who had been stuck in a camp last Christmas and he basically said no chance will he ever return). And the international perception that we have fundamentally racist.
Is it working them to death, or is it allowing them to make more money for the same work? Once they deliver to the UK, they *still* have to drive back home - and it is better for them, their pocket and the environment if they are delivering extra loads while doing so instead of driving back with an empty trailer. A driver from Poland would take 2 days to drive to the UK, and 2 days back home. So he can do 1 paying trip per 4-day week (now). Before he could do 3 paying trips (extra load in UK and one back) in a 5-day working week. Which is better for the driver?
Even if you could go back on the road and were willing, your qualifications would probably have expired anyway. So you would need a medical, to renew your qualifications then start work in a month or two.
i have no intention of going back on the road or contracting putting optical fibre cable in ( knees and lower back shagged + heart attack 6 years ago) i'm 64. all i'm saying is that drivers have never been looked after and this shortage has not been caused by brexit its a culmination of people leaving the industry over the years and not being replaced by "home grown talent" to fill the vacancies that foriegn nationals have filled on minimum wage ( and fair play to the guys i cannot fault them all they are is working men trying to better themselves like you and me do), come over work their arses off for 5/10 years get their house built at home then get a job at nowt a yard putting plastic handles on metal buckets and chillax, exactly the same as i've done over the years. i just hope they havent got a slag of an ex who shagged their mates and robbed them of more than half what they'd worked for..................... I'M NOT F**KING BITTER AND TWISTED
But they wouldn't need to be so big and could be owned and garaged by the railways. Just like it was back in the good old days. Mind you the railways have probably sold off all their prime city centre land. No mate there are no simple solutions.
containers are standardised 20/40/45, then you would need storage space for the out going stock to be stored until the train is emptied and can be reloaded, storage for the empty containers so more possibly green belt land/comp purchase to basically make overnight parking/maintenance areas.................. easy this governing stuff innit hehehe
It is all a massive coincidence that the country has gone to **** since Boris delivered Brexit. Just live with it you lightweights. We'll have a trade deal with Outer Mongolia soon. It's nearly as good as signed. Look at your "blue-ish", passports & sing "God Save the Queen & Prince Andrew". All is well. Ignore the media hype.
Maybe if the Army are going to be at the fuel stations they could just shoot morons like this Save the fire brigade and police some time Also I need petrol for my lawn mower and hedge trimmer - not sure if I dare fill a 5 litre can next time I am at a fuel station that has any
Bozo says the fuel situation is stabilised now and not as bad. Someone should tell that to the 7 that I've passed this evening with cones across their forecourts
Sorry to disappoint everyone, especially the remoaners on here. This fuel debacle has absolutely nothing to do with Brexit. If it was why did this only happen just last week? The fault for this lies with the Media and Haulage Industry. The media for scaremongering when a minuscule amount of fuel stations were closed due to ADR driver shortage for 1 week(Holidays/Sickness, who knows?) For the last 10years at least the haulage industry have known driver shortages were coming. Too many drivers were coming to retirement age and not enough young drivers were being trained. To get a class 1 licence(artic) you have to spend at least 3K unless companies were willing to chip in with the costs. Also, people’s work patterns have changed, no young lads want to work 65/70hrs a week, sleeping in a truck in a lay-by 3-4 nights a week. No one wants to stop in service stations paying £30 a night with rubbish showers that don’t work and toilets that are disgusting. No one wants to go to RDC’s and be stuck on a bay for 4/5 hours a day, refused to use their facilities, especially during Covid. No one wants to drive on roads and be treat like **** by car drivers. The Government are also to blame, at the 1st sight of covid the DVLA/DVSA shut shop, stopping new applications, stopping Mot’s, closing test centres for new drivers. The Govt could also do more to make it cheaper to get your licence. There’s a million reasons for the fuel crisis. I’m afraid Brexit isn’t one of them!!
You were making perfect sense until your final sentence. Of course Brexit has a part to play. It's not the only factor, but it's a factor. If 17m people told me to **** off, then I'd probably **** off. If not immediately, then as soon as possible.
Of course it's related to brexit. Why has it only just happened? Because for the last year we've been desperately short of lorry drivers so they've been leaving jobs and taking higher paid ones at other companies because it's a driver's market right now and they can leave and walk into any job they want in the industry. This means that the companies that don't pay the best wages are now short of drivers including some fuel companies which means that they don't have enough drivers to deliver to all the forecourts and have had to close some. This in turn led to deliberately over the top reporting and as such panic buying but the core reason for it is a shortage of drivers within the industry because we've left the EU and lost a lot of foreign drivers.
Strange that the RHA and other organisations don’t agree with you. Even stranger that the answer to our problems is EU Labour…. Brexit certainly isn’t the only reason the others you list all have a part to play but it is certainly one of them. Facing that means facing the mistakes people have made and no one really likes doing that.