They were meant to be in place from the start of the season but the ones that arrived where too large. Notice Blackpool had a decent screen nothing revolutionary but just good to show scores and team line ups but still a million times more professional than ours.
I did notice at the last home game that the existing ad boards looked a right state - they were shabby and there were empty slots
I don't agree with you, Tosh. It competes for your attention. It's a football game. fer chrissakes, lets get simple and enjoy the football team. debate? no...
Yes but not having the scoreboard working gives us something else to nit pick and pull the club down with
If the 'big' screen was working properly, they could put double Corrie on tonight I could enjoy myself AND watch a bit of football at the same time. Win/ win.
I'm thinking about having one of those electronic adverts that chase all round the perimeter wall for my one man picture framing business (which I run from my garage). It has to have the running dachshound though, just to annoy everybody. Am I wasting my money? Yes.
be nice... reset... advertising...diving... cheating... money in the game.. I want to go back in time and fish the ball out of the Dove when Bob Holderness boots it in there again. no debate here... silly old fooker dart brig......
Glad we’ve installed them. Looks far more professional and will bring in more revenue. They looked fantastic when we played Chelsea at home last year. It’s a revenue stream we’ve missed out on.
As we desperately need to derive as much income as possible from as many sources as possible... I can see how it can be perceived as a positive step. What I do also hope, is that the club are using green energy and looking at its own environmental impact when it makes decisions. How it can do things more efficiently, how it can harness local and ethical supply. If it can do both, be socially and environmentally responsible and derive additional income... there will be no complaints from me.
I'm reserving judgement until I see them in action tonight. That applies equally to the new advertising boards and Schopp's tactics/team selection.
They could use the energy produced by the solar panels installed on the Ponty end roof; oh, just a minute...
Been to loads of games with these boards and seen them on tv and never once thought them annoying a distracting. Don’t even notice them after first few minutes of game