i usually go to the match with some sort of expectation, but this season its just MEH!, fresh air and get out of "the villa depresso" sort of thing. i had a good natter with an old mate/poster on here last night at the match and i always value his input even though we may not agree on many things but we do mutually respect each others views, that being said we both agreed that the team is going backwards. on the 1st day of preseason i'm willing to bet that our squad was fitter than 99% of anyother squad was on the LAST day of last season, and now halfway through the 1st half they're blowing out of their own arses. big val's football may not have been pretty but it worked and it worked well with these players ( wba are only going to get better as their fitness levels improve). schopps tactics are, like the width in the team, sadly lacking for the most part. there's no threat, woodrows a waste of a shirt ( not him but the missing tactics) and as for the once mighty defence its always going to crumble with the hammer its getting, the creative midfield we once had is now like watching a chimp trying to paint a renoir with a turd on the end of a stick, and as i said the other week the attack is toothless. all in all ( good album by EWF) schopp +co has got to go. chien lee i have never met you but i'd assume you are, as most chinese are, an honourable man, please do the honourable thing, stand up, say sorry lads but i fecked this one up and get rid, you'd be suprised how much respect you'd gain from the common or garden yorkshireman/woman. but what do i know, i know that this isnt working. sorry for the rant, the bad grammer, the bad spelling, but in my best yorkshire " SITHE GERRIM FKCED OFF OWD LUV. may the force be with you
I couldn’t believe why he didn’t do something to try and counter their doubling up on Williams down our right side in the second half. They put Brennan Johnson out wide with the full back that was already proving to be very dangerous. I thought Williams was doing ok against the full back but when Johnson came over to his side as well that was it. To crumble like we did after the equaliser was horrendous. Yes we were well beaten, but for the second game running we were beaten by at best a very mediocre team.
I can't remember the last time that I saw a goal actually walked into the net at a professional match. It was like watching under 7's.
It wasn't so much that the ball was walked in, but that Helik and Williams stopped and gave it up before the guy had controlled it to tap in. It may be pretty inevitable he's going to score, but strange things happen under pressure, you have to try.
Yes. That's unprofessional to stop like that - even if the chase looks hopeless. You'd rather be seen busting a gut to at least try. It's always dangerous to write someone off on here, but Schopp certainly looks to be pushing his barrow uphill from here.
Was awful defending for all 3 goals and they had other chances so much space behind the wing backs yet again poorly organised. And like you say players look like they have given up. The 3rd goal when Britain and moon get skinned Britain just stops. Body language of the players says enough for me.
Someone has mentioned Brittain and Schopp 'having a bit of a debate" and on 60 mins (ish) I definitely saw Woodrow having heated words with MS - a shoulder shrug from CW suggesting 'WTF are you wanting me / us to actually do" with more than a couple of expletives. Watching MS body language, he is just a few rows in front of us, he just doesn't seem to have a rapport. He tousled Palmers hair in a fatherly way bringing a wry smile from RP, yet he looked like he'd hardly go near the other players when they were subbed or came over for drinks during a stoppage. It was almost like they were opposition players. He tried to console Frieser as he subbed him - no connection - was like a failed fist-bump, and Oduor didn't even acknowledge him. I don't think he's lost the dressing room - more of a case there is no evidence he has even had it.
He's a supply teacher filling in for a better teacher. So they rip the piss until they crumble and go crying to the head teacher.
You want to listen to that old mate/poster, he talks a lot of sense! Yet another pathetic, inept, embarrassing performance. A period of five minute, or so, at the start of the second half does not a pressing game make. This type of display from the team appears to be the norm now. References to our display at QPR is pitiful when trying to show how this squad of players have performed this campaign, it has proved to be a one off and exception to the rule. Normally, I try to find positives from each and every match. Too often this season, I simply can't do it.
Until I read the comments I thought that even in the world of racing it was a bit bold to call a horse Aryan Power...