Got an email today from QPR (I’m on their mailing list for some away tickets I got years ago). They’ve got planning permission for a new training facility. Their current one makes ours look like Barcelona’s. We forget how lucky we are in that respect. Anyway, here’s the details. Just thought it was an interesting way to raise the capital. Nothing new and been done before, but still interesting:
It’s a shame that the whole ground/ club ownership at Oakwell is as it is. Although it doesn’t appear that our training facilities needs much investment, the opportunity to build say a Social Club with similar type investment could well prove popular.
It's a big if, and you have to question why they're doing this rather than raising the cash through a business loan which I expect would have a lower rate of interest at the minute. The answer might be that these bonds will be unsecured, whereas a lender might require a charge over the property...
Doing a similar thing at Lincoln for ground improvements. Slightly different in that it’s not a bond but shares but basically looking to raise 500k. Owners willing to fund rest, which I think was 2 million. Minimum of £500