They own the Club. but not the ground. But it’s upkeep on facilities is on their shoulders. How much. Only they know how much they are prepared to spend to keep folk happy.
They're withholding remaining payments because they can't acquire the ground. I thought that's what the legal action was over.
As far as I’m aware Helen. They own the club. And James Cryne is a minority shareholder. The ground is owned by James Cryne ( or the Cryne family) and Barnsley council 50/50. This is where the dispute is. The covenant the excuse. Valid or not. But the issue seems to have died down a little.
Don’t think that’s the issue Stephen. The covenant is either a valid reason not to buy. Or a smokescreen not to pay out. I’m no expert by a long chalk. Many on here have gone through the legalities. I try to take in as best I can. But I think I’ve got the gist of it. Sure someone will put me right if not.
The scoreboard is an issue btw. Not the end of the world. But I wouldn’t spend another penny on it. I’d replace it altogether. Who knows, they may have that in their plans. ?
There's a long legal challenge over it, which indicates that it's not as cut and dry as many on here believe. But even if it was simple and the crynes are totally in the right, that's very different to them not owning the club.
Why would Chien & Co spend on the ground? My tenant in my apartment won't buy a light bulb, l dont blame him. Having a go at them about the ground is off the mark - unless we build a new stadium, Oakwell will be left to rot.
Because there are different expectations for commercial leases for a start. I think the fact we don't have a working scoreboard looks really unprofessional, more so than the wooden advertising hoardings. If you went into a shop and the clothes were all on one rack because all the others were broken you wouldn't blame the landlord but the shop owner.