Nicky Eaden took pelters from the east stand in his last season. There was one bloke who took delight in singing ‘you’ll never make a tackle’ at him every game. I sat in the east lower in them days, Nicky heard it and it looked like it affected him. He’s rightly remembered as about the best we’ve had at right back these days, but when he left things had soured for him here and it was a great shame. As for Brittain, he’s neither a defender or a winger, and he’s definitely not a central midfielder. He’s not quite good enough defensively to be an out and out right back, not good enough on the ball and at crossing to be a winger, but he’s got enough about him overall to be an effective wingback. But he’s not great this season. And he does look like he’s a bit lost. Only the coach can sort that and have caused it in the first place. They all look lost. They need a strong leader to galvanise them. Schopp isn’t him.
Gutted he's out of action, he was the main one I wanted to watch " live" this season of our Jan signings.
Yes, the players do need to take responsibility, but it’s always easier to get rid of the coach who is ultimately responsible than replace all the players. There were too many 50/50s missed which isn’t acceptable from the players, but the team has zero organisation. Who’s job is it to track runners or sweep in behind when they get through? Are we playing an offside trap or not? The players don’t seem to know. That’s the fault of the coach.
It's the fault of both though isn't it? And its generally the coach who takes the fall (though quite a lucrative one). Though give enough of a short period of time and we'll have turned over multiple coaches, CEO's, analysts, captains, players......
Maybe, but the coach is ultimately responsible. The big question is, are results likely to turn around under Schopp, or was he the wrong appointment?
An impossible question to answer at this stage. I'd rather we base it on more evidence than a knee jerk reaction after a handful of games. The close season was turbulent. The injuries and visa gaffe haven't assisted him either. I believe whoever came in would struggle in the shadow of Ismael in numerous comparatives. I'd rather be patient with him. He doesn't make it easy, granted, but I don't think its as simple as pinning everything on Schopp.
Well, we'll find out when he comes back won't we? My bet is that ball on the deck or not, he can't compensate for the fact that we have a midfield that has limited to no experience as professional footballers, and are all 22 or younger. Last season Palmer was rightly seen as the "novice" and Mowatt the senior partner in CM. This season Palmer is the most experienced CM we have. And he's played ≤50 pro career games. To be clear, I like Palmer. But to imagine (or hope) that he's going to step up and fill Mowatt's shoes fairly represents the mistakes the "recruitment team" or the board have made before. Replace lost experience with technically adept but wholly or mostly inexperienced youth and hope they step up. Not a massive surprise we are where we are given that apparent commitment.
I wouldn’t say it was just a handful. We’ve played 10 and the issue in defence down the flanks has been there in pretty much every one and we seem to be getting worse. Yes, he inherited an absolute horror show and it will be much easier for the person replacing Schopp than it will be to replace Ismael, but hes not helping himself. For example, Benson getting injured in the warm up is going to be a big hinder, but he ignored the midfielder on the bench, and played a right sided player on the left and moved Styles inside. He just goes for the complicated option
Who is to say that if he'd made a different decision it might have been worse? Sadly we can't do sliding doors moments so we'll just never now. Ok, not a handful, a double handful then ;-) Seriously though, I'm not willing to fully judge a coach after just 10 games with such a car crash close season and so many niggles and problems in the first few weeks. He may not be helping himself, and I might be in complete isolation in this, but I'd give him more time. If we can play for 45 minutes like we did QPR, I'm willing to give him more time to try and recreate that with more regularity.
Is 45 minutes of decent football good enough in 10 games at this level? I, along with quite a few others, will say no it isn't good enough
That’s fair, and it’s all subjective. I was optimistic after the qpr game. But then Birmingham wasted a hatful of chances, as did Stoke, Bournemouth thrashed us, Blackpool beat us comfortably. The exception was Blackburn, who bizarrely chose to have the full backs stay in their own half. Yet they still carved us open to create a one on one chance similar to the first two forest goals. If we had 8 points off 10 games but with improved performances I’d agree that he needs more time. But we’re getting worse, and have become easy beats, plus it’s still not clear how he actually wants us to play. I’d respect him more if he completely ditched any thoughts of last year and played purely the way that has got him success before. Which would mean a formation change. This hybrid Schopp/Ismael style he seems to be attempting is just not working.
As I say, I'm happy to be in complete isolation on this. We played outstanding football in that QPR game. Better than anything Ismael, Struber or Stendel dished up. It was that good. I thought we were unlucky against Luton. i thought we played well away at Cardiff. And I thought we did well in parts at Stoke. So we've had way more than 45 minutes out of 900 (ish) of good football. What we are also experiencing is a completely disjointed back 3 that is far too high and is one easy pass away from being ripped apart. If that can be solved and quickly, I think we've more basis to develop, given we've players to come back and or get up to speed. It seems the knives are drawn though, so it's probably too late for the guy.
I've not seen the last few games since Stoke, so it's harder for me to comment on those games and could well feel different if I had. I try and watch the full match replays, but I just haven't had the time with those games having been away and helped my Mum move home and then my mrs broke her foot, so I'm chief skivy! I hope it works out for him, but I've a bad feeling fans have made their minds up and it could get pretty toxic. And given the window is shut and Morris is probably a long way off yet. It's too late to change things too much for Millwall, but we've two weeks with most of the players during the international break, so I agree with you. I'd rather he went with what he believes. It means we'll have wasted efforts having 312 strikers, but if you're going to get a coach, you have to allow him to play to his ideals and how he thinks he can be successful. If he's being influenced to follow the Ismael way (not that I think he is), he'd be better served telling them to shove it and do it his way. Fingers crossed a much needed win occurs on Saturday.
And you're absolutely entitled to have a different opinion. I just thought it was that good for 60 minutes, sadly we couldn't hold on. Fingers crossed things change for the better, results wise.
Thank you. Just as you were entitled to your opinions when Valerien Ismael took us comfortably into the Play Offs.