Oh how I miss Hammill. One of my favourite ever Barnsley players. He was magic on his day. He just kept crossing it to the keeper that day.
I'll admit to occasionally dropping my head into my hands, giving a deep sigh, and saying "Jesus ****ing Christ". Sometimes you just have to let it all out.
Its the language used on social media I find hard to deal with, some of the words used by some of our so called fans on Facebook the other night after we lost made me cringe , the c word used as regular as clockwork & the way things were worded was pure aggression , its embarrassing to see but there are now generations that not only see it as acceptable but the norm , respect seems a forgotten word
I agree and have never booed a Barnsley player at a game.* It seems that for some people the short term satisfaction of hurling abuse at a player is more important than said player improving and helping the team - because I've never seen a player get dogs abuse and then improve. I also hate it when sections of the crowd sing "We're f***ing sh**" or "You're nothing special, we lose every week". What's the point. *When the match finished at Blackpool I did however shout that the performance wasn't good enough when the players applauded the fans.
I verbally abused Wiseman one game. A couple of years later, I worked with a family member of his and the way he reacted to me wearing some Barnsley shorts and what Wiseman had said about the club, I’m glad I did.
I slate players on here (sometimes) but never abuse or boo them. I’ve only ever booed the ref. But that’s understandable right?
I agree Thompson didn't look bad v bolton give him ago. My point was as clueless as I think schopp is he hasn't been help by the board very much.
Back in the 70s my Dad used to stand at the kop end of the Brewery Stand when we were kicking that way. There was a bloke there who used to spend the full 90 minutes shouting abuse at every reds player in earshot. We could be 4-0 up and playing like Ajax and he'd still be lambasting em as being useless and lazy. How some people get their enjoyment is beyond me. Everybody did think he was a pillock though.
I remember Ray Mcale being told he was a ****** by a good portion of the ponte end one cold Tuesday night back in the 80s during a particularly bad performance by him in a bad defeat for the Reds, so no it's not a modern day thing for a player to be singled out for some abuse.
Never understood a grown man shouting "Boooo" at one of our own like some demented Shakespearean character. Especially when they call themself a supporter. It's never made sense to me. Fans seem more fickle these days than in years gone by. Maybe because there were less of us in the old 4th Division days and expectations weren't very high. These days it's very quiet at Oakwell until we go behind and then the toxicity is apparent. It may well be an age thing because the young uns try to get behind the team whilst the middle aged seem to be waiting for the first mistake so they can vent their anger.
Can't see a problem with booing myself. Fans need to let off steam and a way to do that is boo. The flip side is cheering. If the team are doing some good stuff its fair do's to cheer. I dont see booing as abuse. It's just fans expressing frustration. Unacceptable stuff is when 'fans' insult and swear at players. Booing isn't insulting.
I’m sorry to say as l’ve got older l boo far more often, never at a red though, usually he/ she is dressed in black