Apologies I thought you had said that he wasn’t. Mea culpa. Here’s a thread of women’s experiences with police officers. Pretending there isn’t a problem and that this is a completely isolated incident is beyond any sort of reason. As men we need to look at our own behaviours. Every time we fake laughter at a sexist joke to avoid confrontation. Every time we ignore a mate making comments about the physical appearance of women. We are part of the problem.
Some strange opinions on here, mainly from those who are too quick to mock the media...when it suits. Yorkshire ripper was a lorry driver- not all lorry drivers are responsible for his crimes. Harold shipman was a Doctor- not all doctors are responsible for his crimes. Michael Ryan was a labourer- not all labourers are responsible for his crimes. Beverley Allitt was a nurse- not all nurses are responsible for her crimes. I could go on and on. Ask yourself this- why then, are police officers across this nation being subject to media attack, and public Criticism for the crimes of Couzens? Do they deserve it when they are trying their very best to fight crime and keep the public safe. What Couzens has done is beyond terrible, however, there is a clear media drive to undermine confidence in policing. We have the best Police service in the world , providing expertise to forces across the world. One or two idiots will put a spanner in the works to fuel the anti police brigade who jump all over it. This instance was abhorrent and I hope he endures a lifetime of hell in prison.
I asked if you were speaking from experience or not. You put whatever spin you want on that very, very simple question and either elect to answer it or don't.
This stuff definitely happened when I worked for the Police. I knew of at least two separate incidents, one where an officer PNC'd a vehicle of a lass he liked the look of so he could locate her address and ask her out. Another where a bloke got a witness' telephone number off Niche system and kept harrassing her to go out with him. Anyone claiming this stuff doesn't happen is talking ********. There is a problem and it needs rooting out. Not all are like this, but a culture is there and it is like nowhere else I have worked.
I was with you until you said making comments about a physical appearance. It's something that women do just as openly as men in my experience. Are they part of the problem too?
It wasnt. It was a 'people comment on others appearances all the time, it doesn't mean they're encouraging sexual predators'. If it did then with the amount of women who make comments about men's appearances then there'd be hundreds of thousands of female sex predators out there. The others I agree with but someone making comments about an appearance isn't encouraging sexual assault or being part of the problem (obviously SOME comments are)
I don't recall statements from the choefs in the NHS victim blaming like the North Yotks commissioner ,were put out after Shipman's activities were found out?
Completely agree with you - what that imbecile said was inexcusable but does that mean we shouldn't trust any police officers? Of course not, don't be silly.
Over the years in dealings with the police, women family members, family members of West Indian heritage as well as myself have always found the police to be efficient and courteous.
I agree that you shouldn't not trust the police, however where there is a culture where you can laughingly call someone " the racist" this needs to be sorted out. Burying your head in the sand and pretending all is well solves nothing.
This is a football forum isn't it !(important issues no doubt)been spoken about but this isn't the platform for it.