This happened on Saturday 02 October in Ely:
Early 80s both the Royston and summer Lane bridges both saw deckers trying to get under them...Cudworth Bridge had one stuck too..(due to high bridge decker being put on wrong route... one of the reasons that the tracky campaigned for the two Cudworth bridges to come down for many years was so it could use high bridge deckers on all its routes instead of having a mixed fleet across its depots of high and low deckers ) the case of the summer Lane and Royston accidents I do believe if memory serves me right that the drivers in question were Shafton based drivers who were not familiar with the Barnsley depot routes and were infact helping out due to a shortage of drivers at upper Sheffield road.....the Royston bridge one was down to the driver failing to turn right prior to the bridge on the correct royston route The Cudworth bridge one... was a mixture of Rawmarsh driver covering at barnsley once again due to shortage of drivers and the garage sending wrong bus out after a breakdown at hoyle Mill to the original bus that was on the (211) Doncaster run....route covered by both barnsley and Shafton depots alternative hours... In the drivers defence and to answer a previously asked question about how can you not know you are driving a decker.... When you are on and off different buses all shift running late ...busy...not knowing routes ( tiredness comes into it too) you can momentarily forget what you are driving single double ( high or low decker) On all 3 accidents luckily no one was injured only the drivers pride....
We once had a short spell covering 218 to Rotherham and they had to put the lowest single deckers on they could find to get under Kilnhurst bridge and you used to approach it physically crouching over the steering wheel it was that low
Some 10 years after I finished... were you based at barnsley depot? go as far and say..that when I worked for the tracky it was a great place to be.. one of ..if not the best job I've ever had...I'm still in touch with a lot of the lads ( old men now ) lol and apart from jedi1 ( Trev) who calls me lips...I still get called by the nickname of Shirley that I was christened with the day I started due to having a large afro perm at the time....they then shortened my name to Shirl when I had my hair cut short....Happy days...they being the legend that is Tony Snell lol
I think I remember thee nar, dint tha used to come in Black Bull Pub at Stairfoot with Dave Macca and Bri Thew, quite a few Tracky drivers used to come in then.
Reading up on it he got jailed for it as there were 3 school kids hurt. It’s claimed he took wrong turn, kids told him and tried to get through and was only driving at 10mph!