There is no doubt that whatever course of action we took we were going to get a substantial number of deaths, for the reasons you have pointed out. However, because we chose the herd immunity line of action, we have more than we should have had. Boris and Cummings took that decision. Cummings is no longer in a job and Boris should follow suit. If we had got the same death rate as Germany we maybe could have had some sympathy for the idiot - but ours is twice theirs. Gross negligence surely.
The PM last year...... The PM now........ Ardern said: "Please get vaccinated now; summer is close. And so to be fully vaccinated and fully protected and do the things you love, you need to be vaccinated this month, not in December." Another country bringing in the discriminatory passport that no science shows actually does a good thing. Even double jabbed you can still spread covid so it gives people false protection and makes feel forced to have it to live a normal life.
People should just get jabbed and shut up. Sick of the constant whining about infringing rights and "it's my right to choose". It's a fu cking jab, unless there is a medical reason not to, just get it done. Rant over.
I am double jabbed. I just think people who have decided not to should still have the same rights as me and that a vaccine passport should never be a thing.
It's a person's personal choice nothing more nothing less BUT don't try telling others you don't want it and that others shouldn't either !!!!
Nobody in this thread has addressed the real issue, quite simply it comes down to care homes. The UK excess death rate is because of the number of infections that happened in care homes, and the fact residents were sent back to care homes from hospitals. The problem is that the hospitals were full. Thousands of people were going to die no matter what. It's not realistic to compare the UK with NZ or Aus, those are end point destinations, for any sort of equivalent response we would have had to shut down Heathrow in January 2020, well before the World Health Organisation recommended anything of the kind, in fact they were saying the opposite, that countries shouldn't be locking out Chinese citizens. The notion we could have closed the borders is wrong, the way patients were handled was wrong, but it's hard to see what other choices were available.
The vanity project nightingale hospitals should have been used as convalescent homes as could the hotels that were forced to sit closed
"No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?"
We are behind most of Europe now, we got a great head start but now not in the top 10. We've only just started doing the kids which we should have done months ago.
I believe the experts know which virus’ and diseases the population is best protected from by mass vaccination. For all my life and yours that list has been growing and well managed. And unsurprisingly, the biggest risk to mass vaccination programs has always been misinformation.
Very true, I don't think the solution to misinformation is for people to just "shut up and get the jab" though which I believe was the point @SuperTyke was trying to make here.
If a definitive one existed then we wouldn't have religion in the world. I fully understand the frustration but educating people is the only way to bring about lasting change to someone's views/beliefs/misconceptions.
It's also always been optional hasn't it? And anyone unsure whether they want it or not have never previously been told to just get jabbed and shut up whilst being sworn at. My question was valid, we have vaccinations for other contagious viruses that kill many people due to transmission. The vaccination for those are offered to pretty much any adult yet nobody gets sworn at for not having those. Why not? Why the hypocrisy.?
"It's my choice" with regards to any vaccination that helps prevent what we've just been through as a planet, is essentially "I'm selfish, awkward and enjoy being a bad human". If someone can't have it for a valid reason then fine, if they can have it, then shut up and get jabbed. Argue this with me all you want.