Agreed. One point not so long ago I lived in a house share with 4 strangers and had £25 spare a week after bills and food to spend how I liked, usually seeing mates or family. Without that £25, life would've been pretty ****.
Pretty sure the fact that this evil lot raised it 20 quid in the first place shows that even they know it was too little originally.
The bottom line… whilst only ‘dole wallers’ were claiming UC it didn’t matter that it wasn’t enough to live on. But add another few million who lost their livelihood due to Covid, and it had to be raised. This wasn’t extra money because living with a pandemic was expensive, it was a sweetener to make UC more attractive. The £20 uplift put UC closer to the level it was designed to be paid, before Osborne reduced it. It’s interesting to note that the architects of UC (even the hated IDS) are against the removal of the uplift.
Words actually fail me regarding his comments!!! I'm not sure whether he's said it tongue in cheek just to wind up people, or if he's genuine! Proper shat bag no matter what !
UC for a young person has gone down from £79 to £59 . Can't see how you could afford any "treats" on that.
To be fair to the MP, they are probably underpaid in terms of the work that they do and in comparison to other countries. IIRC German MPs earn over 50% more - and their Chancellor earns over double what Johnson earns as PM. So I would fully support a large pay rise for them, *only* on the condition that they were no longer able to have 2nd, 3rd or more sources of income and were unable to vote on legislation where they had a financial interest (e.g. landlord MPs voting on legislation for landlords). I'd also remove their ability (and their immediate families) to own stocks, shares, currency or other investment vehicles which can be affected by government decisions. BTW removing the £20 uplift will hit GDP by about 0.2%, and that £5-6bn per year will no longer be going into the tills of local shops, pubs, takeaways, etc. In normal times, that could be enough to tip the economy into a period of negative growth (it would need 2 to be a recession).
I agree with all apart from the first 6 words. I’m not going to give him any ‘to be fair’ or benefits of the doubt because 82k is neither ‘desperately difficult’ nor ‘really grim’.