Now is the time for a new stand with a standing section like it was before in the lower tier! Gives fans an option then!! Just a decent size stand would be enough, modern and safe! Get an actual big screen as part of it that works!! One that is actually big!
Can't see anything being built on current site not if the owners aren't buying the stadium. I think the most likely outcome is going the be us moving to a purpose built stadium hopefully close to Oakwell.
Football is rife with clubs paying for stuff with money they don't have. or in the case of our owners ........ "do have" (allegedly)
Id only be happy with a stadium in walking distance from town. Not like keepmoat in the middle of a shopping center or anything like that where these new grounds usually are built nowadays. Oakwell is great for match days easy accessible by bus and train or car, walking distance from town center pubs and bars for pre match drinks etc. Don't think I'd attend much if it was built on some industrial estate on the outskirts if town.
Having been visiting Oakwell for over 60 years a move out of town would be time for me to retire, unfortunately
Not sure where everyone thinks the money is coming from for a new ground. Not from this lot owning us that’s for sure. Likely scenario is sharing with Rotherham.
Sod this settling for something small. I want a 100,000 capacity 15 tier stand with a helipad on top - or failing that laser lights that can be seen from S6 everytime we score...