The only time I did go in at night, I was spooked by a fella with a chisel working on a gravestone. I said "WTF are you doing at this time of night, you scared me stiff?" He replied "They spelt my name wrong".
This girl once ran up to me at the cemetery and said "I need to pass through the cemetery but I'm too scared to walk alone. Could you walk with me?" I said "Of course. Don't worry, I used to be really scared of cemeteries when I was alive too."
He likes it pitch black like Laura. The new routine taking him up slightly later seems to be doing the trick. Laura reckons I'm a bit of a fanny when it comes to stuff like this. She says "even if there are ghosts it's living that you've to worry about".
I have an incredible amount of contempt for all mediums/spirit guides etc who pretend to talk to grieving folks' dead relatives for cash. Utter scum, the lot of them.
Our house is circa 1800. We knocked through upstairs as it used to have 2 staircases and where the old door used to be never gets warm and smells badly of Capstan Full Strength. I'm not anti strong fags but I don't think he/she should be smoking inside. I've had a word but he/she ignores my advice. Visitors also remark that that part of the corridor is "cold and smells of tobacco". Weird I know but it is a true story.
my grans back bedroom was an awful place to be sent to get something from as a child, even if the rest of the house was warm it was always cold and eerie , I would run in as fast as I could and find whatever my gran had asked for and run out, weirdly it felt like I had something weighing me down while I was in there, my gran admitted later that she did not even like being in there and her grandad had fallen head first into the open fire in there and died years before,after my gran passed we sold the house to a friend of my mums, her son had refused to sleep in the room as he reckoned he woke up one night with a man stood by his bed with a disfigured face , spooooooooky or what
Years ago when wife was young , she was in bed , her bedroom door opened her granddad popped his head around door said goodbye to her . The same time he died up at hospital
omg, told story on here before of my dads death and in middle of night I got up and as I went to put landing light on felt a hand on mine much bigger, my dad had hands like shovels, maybe my mind played tricks on me ,who knows
Downstairs doesn't scare me and neither does upstairs but I do often feel a bit uneasy when I'm at the top of the stairs ready to go down. Perfectly happy once I'm down but for a second or two at the top looking down I feel a little uneasy. The worst one for me is if I have a nice long bath with the bathroom door closed. Opening the bathroom door after I've got out always makes me worry for a second.
Around 3 weeks ago I was laid in bed and something pulled on my pillow, I was only dozing and thought it was the cat, I turned over and- nothing there. Very very weird. I was also in a toilet at work stood doing my thing and I suddenly felt there was someone stood directly behind me. I felt something kick the back of my foot as I turned around and like saw something almost out of the corner of my eye but as I finished turning around/ nothing there. That really freaked me out!
In the days before Iron Maiden there was a tune Tommy Vance played regularly on The Friday Rock show on Radio 1 called Fear of the Dark it might even have been the theme tune. It’s so long ago It sprang to mind as I was reading this thread Over 50’s may remember it
Cemeteries are naturally spooky places, you know that they contain the remains of the dead and that will always set your mind on the path of spiritual remains. I serve on the parish council in my village and we hired a bloke to paint the cemetery railings. He reported that while he was doing the job he was approached by a tall well dressed man in a top hat. The man talked to him for a while and went away. He wanted to know who it might have been that he'd been talking to. The description he gave was of the local undertaker, only thing was that the undertaker had died four years earlier and was lying in the cemetery.
I like this thread's title. If it had just said 'The Paranormal' would anyone have opened it expecting football? Mind you....
Was that in broad daylight? I've had a couple of experiences at work like that. There used to be an old woman Barbara who came to the desk asking about The Hermitage (English Heritage) meetings. She was well in with the voluntary services as an ex nurse. The running joke was she'd turn up asking me if there was a meeting in the seminar room and if I'd seen Bill and Dave from English Heritage. I'd know nothing about it and Bill and Dave would turn up the next day or later that week for the meeting asking where she was. I'd let them know I'd seen her and we'd have a chuckle about it. One day Bill and Dave came to the desk asking if a Geology Professor had turned up for their meeting in the seminar room and I told them I'd seen Barbara that morning. They looked at me gone out and told me she'd died two weeks earlier of pneumonia. I just put it down to me getting her mixed up with someone else as I've seen her on numerous occasions since.