Probably because the council doesn't own the club so it's not up to them to tell fans what minor work has been advised by an advisory group to the club about what they advise the club doing. Remember the same advisory group advised against selling all the tickets in the away end due to potential crowd trouble. Ie nothing to do with the ground itself
Interesting points you make Ben, as always, and not disagreeing. I wonder if the following would have been an alterative solution? Would have inconvenienced different people, granted, but there is method in my madness. See graphic below. Close and net off the area in the East I have attempted to highlight. Move them into the West Stand - they would fit, even with only half the West opened. Then open the FULL away end, maximising revenue from both tickets sales and catering from those clubs - there are many - who would bring a large following. The reason for this - the idea like you mention above is profit / maximising revenue. Speculate to accumulate. MAKE money rather than the more cautious alternative of SAVE money. I used to argue this with senior management when in retail Too many bosses increased the bottom line by cost cutting; the better, progressive managers increased the bottom line by actually focussing on selling. They won't do it - I know that - it is fantasy and merely an alternative. We need folk willing to look at ideas rather than in-fighting and endless striving to cut costs.
Fair suggestions. But relies on demand being there. At the minute the only demand is coming from away supporters and we're leaving money on the table with the bigger games. I wouldn't see it as a cautious sales strategy if you're cutting costs and increasing sales, but I totally agree - there's always another way when you're putting your customers first.
It’s easy. Not the club’s fault either. That’s the problem with a local Derby - everyone knows someone within the area to get them. I could have claimed my 4 tickets and passed them on too
I really want to believe our 80% owners....i do. but i think this links up with "ludwigs form was inconsistant" and "best transfer window ever". If you add this plus our "visagate" debacle, the mass exedus of staff... its more than understandable where the mistrust comes from. I would still like lots more info from both sides. Just a message to all parties....please remember tge fans and treat them with a bit of are all supposed to be proffessional business people.
If these are professional businessmen running the club I am amazed. Antagonising your paying customers, lack of transparency and constant own goals re marketing and PR are textbook examples of how NOT to develop and grow a business. It is one thing to make effciency savings and not throw money around in a profligate manner but entirely different from withholding funds needed to sustain never mind grow a business. The original statements made by the 'new' owners about developing the club brand internationally and beyond what happens on the pitch have been empty promises. thus far. Oakwell stadium infrastructure e.g. scoreboard has been allowed to deteriorate to the point where it does not even work. The match day experience (I cannot confirm myself being unable to attend) has apparently declined rather than improve as was promised. It appears, many lower league clubs have better facilities and provide a better experience for fans than BFC. There seems to be an increasing disconnect between the supporters and the club. I am increasing dismayed at what appears to be a downward spiral which was, temporarily masked by the feel good factor of last season's on pitch performance. Take that away and there is nothing to suggest the current owners have any real ambition or intention to do what they stated. Occasional statements from the CEOs are inadequate if not backed up by actions. After this latest West Stand fiaasco I genuinely fear for the long term future of BFC under the current ownership.
I never said there was, but if it was netted off they would still have to set elsewhere in the ground Whilst they marvel at the full away end.
a slightly different perspective - Many of the West Stand ST holders are what the Club calls 'ambulatory disabled' - because of the shortage of specifically designated disabled seating in other areas many supporters with disabilities are directed to the West Stand despite the W. Stand being unsuitable for them An empty West Stand may well be safe on inspection but if it has many people with a physical problem/disability it becomes unsafe for those people should they have to leave in an emergency. So once those with a physical problem are moved it becomes non cost-effective to keep the stand operational on match days.
The first rule of deception: "Tell everyone what they want to hear." Standard business practice I'm afraid.
This for me theres 1k season ticket holders in there who have bought season tickets straight after a pandemic and by looks there just playing tit for tat games or trying to save a few quid but in reality its just pissing the fans off.
That has crossed my mind as coming under the vague crowd management issues. I think, although i can't be certain that i saw someone either in the Forest or Millwall game being moved from that area
houses and commercial properties differ though. It would more likely be on a par with a council house if you're doing house comparisons.
Do you remember the visits from the Premier League guys a few months ago? Wasn't it said then that a number of jobs needed doing before we would get into the Prem? I wonder what those jobs were and whether the 80%ers are holding them as threats to the landlords (Crynes and the council) with the implication that we'd never be able to succeed and reach the Prem so long as these jobs weren't done. If it were a lick of paint, fine. If it were fit a new roof, seats, staircases, toilets etc then it's a different matter. Tenants usually do routine maintenance, landlords generally do more. Surely a commercial lease doesn't mean tenants have to rebuild an entire stand, does it ????
I would think not. However , nowhere has it been suggested that an entirely new stand needs building yet.