People discussing the state of the club on a forum primarily dedicated to the club. I am shooketh and appalled
Two possibilities here. 1) This post is a piss-take or wind-up. 2) The poster is displaying arrogance towards fellow followers of BFC who have the temerity to have a different opinion. Neither is a good look.
1) this is nor a piss-take or a wind-up 2) as I stated, things aren’t great at the moment and things will naturally get better like situations always do but the consent whinging from supposed grown adults is fuking pathetic.......obviously all in my humble opinion! I hope that’s cleared that for you
Oh to have the results in the scoreboard and know you're too of the league!I Scoreboard not working seems to go hand in glove with poor results!
Any need for insult? Grow up A totally feel for folk who have been moved, my point is that there’s a section on here who for the last 4 years have looked for just about everything they can to smear the owners or find fault......let’s not forget we was up for sale for a long time and remind me how many come in for us........?? The constant baiting is tiring and boring, this whole scenario needs a dressing ASAP cos it’s the fans who are suffering but there’s more then one in this tango too!!
I get where you're coming from, but I think it a positive thing for the owners to be held to account over issues like thse, to avoid sleepwalking into disaster like our S6 neighbours for eg.
We’re a millions miles from them though, we haven’t gambled Christ knows how many millions on old useless players for a start.......99% had hung drawn and quartered this board after 12 months, very few seem to discuss what good they’ve done in recent years but yet can’t wait to ram there options down throats when things aren’t going right. If you dare to offer some disagreement or try to seek a positive on here your shot down........I stand by what I said in my opening post too, this **** show is sadly at the expense of the fans, especially the ones in the West but like I said there’s more than Pacific media group involved and some seem to have forgot that
My point is that they lapped Chansiri up when he first arrived and tbh, some were still defending him quite late on in their sorry saga. No harm in being cautious imo.
You've not covered yourself in glory exactly on this thread. I can see how someone might draw that conclusion.
I’ve said it’s a **** show, I’ve said I feel for those been moved, I’ve said it’s the fans who are suffering, I’ve said the scenario needs addressing initial point was that it’s a constant negative spin on this board about the owners have done this and the owners have done that, there’s 2 sides to every story so let’s see how the coming weeks pan out......If that warrants being labelled a Pr.ick then crack on, absolute water off a ducks back this side. Have a good day