Surely if we are so desperate to get fans/revenue from the away end for example sufc get 25k home attendances why not get their stewards to oversee the away end, we've bussed in stewards from all over in past seasons spoke to quite a few from the north east
I still fail to see why the club continue to engage a firm to supply stewards for home games that cannot or will not supply the required number for the club to operate at full capacity. If Doyle's security keep failing to supply the required number find a company that can. Unless of course the club aren't requesting the right amount and hiding behind Doyle's, I mean it's not like the board to try to pass on the blame to others is it.
They actually aren't. Sheffield United are advertising for stewards at £9 an hour, we are advertising for them at £10-£12.50 an hour. Sheffield Wednesday £9.50 per hour and Rotherham £8.72 an hour (presumably hasn't been updated to minimum wage rise back in April and should be £8.91)
It doesn't make financial sense for the club to under request stewards - each very cheap steward equates to a lot of ticket sales. So your opening line about Doyles is the point of the discussion. And that's an interesting one, I'm no expert on specifying contracts, but as far as I can see the first KPO on a stewarding contract would be to supply the required number of stewards, and I'd presume financial penalties for poor performance. So if we need 100 stewards, and they can only supply 90, we'd only pay for 80, that'd keep the contractor on track as it'd start to cost them money if they underperformed.
I just don’t understand why you keep on bashing Doyle Security. Doesn’t matter who has the contract - they are all recruiting from the same local pool of Labour. Other clubs and hospitality industries are having the same issues in regard to lack of staff post Covid. It’ll settle down, but it’ll be another 12months until it does I reckon. It may also require a hike in season ticket prices too - if we have to pay Matchday staff more to attract them, then prices will rise.
How many other football clubs aren't able to be at full capacity due to lack of stewards out of interest? Decent hourly rate that if you're positioned in the west stand upper. If you're put in a packed away end maybe not so much
And yet no other local club as had to close part of its ground because it's security contractor cannot supply the required amount of stewards or limit the amount of away support. Doyle's entered into a contract to supply match day stewards and are failing to provide them in sufficient numbers. If your business had a contract with a company to supply a certain amount of something and they constantly failed to do that which effected your takings / profit you'd soon find a supplier who could supply you with the desired amount.
If we paid £20 per hour, that would very probably result in our being able to get as many as we need to accommodate several thousand extra fans. Skimping on stewards' pay is surely a false economy. One would expect the owners to realise that.
I'd like to think that there would be an abundance of folk wanting to take up stewarding at Oakwell; getting paid to watch your team play would be ideal. Mind you, how much training do you need? Maybe the club should hire people directly?
We will never achieve full capacity as the Council insist just over 400 seats are not allowed to be used (in the lease agreement).
Stewards can’t watch the game, most of them have to face the crowd for their entire shift. That’s their job
Tbf they're supposed to be watching the crowd, manning the exit gates etc so you'd only get glimpses of the game.
Nothing to do with owners ! Doyle’s pay the stewards rates and no matter how much extra BFC paid Doyle’s it doesn’t guarantee any extra money to the stewards .
But the club could pay whatever it wanted, if it employed its own stewards. That would surely be the answer, if Doyle can't supply the requisite number.
Stewarding is a full time job nowadays in most parts , when they not stewarding at Oakwell they guarding factories, building sites , public areas etc . Who’s gonna commit to one or twice a fortnight when full time jobs are available?