Please remove the "girl" part of your post, because if nothing else it undermines the point you are trying to make. The reason I ask is there is a massive problem in this country of male suicide and male depression, and a huge part of it is the scourge of toxic masculinity as men feel afraid to ask for help due to the fear of being told to "man up" or being called "girly" or *insert derogatory term here*. likening mainly male posters(I know there are a few women on here too) "girly" for moaning may contribute to someones struggles.
It just pisses me off how people come on here trying to shut down debate when it doesn't suit their agenda. Either use a bit of self-control and don't read the threads or even better create a thread of your own about something you want to talk about. It really isn't difficult.
That better???? It was a light hearted attempt at trying to discourage the negative spin we have on here.......Jesus Christ!
Look, I get it probably wasn't meant as a serious comment. But as someone who has seriously struggled with his mental health to the point I almost wasn't here any more thanks to just being told to "man up" by people, it's a sore point. And once you get down to it, it added nothing to your post. If anything, it took away from it. So what's the point of leaving something in that may cause hurt(no matter how little) if it doesn't actually achieve anything?
If my words upset or offended you then I apologise and I deeply sympathise with mental health too. A think my point has been missed by a few