Agree Loko. Collectively those skills are also often alternatively referred to as emotional intelligence i.e. the ability to perceive, use, understand, manage, and handle emotions. And it's been proved that EI is a much more reliable indicator of success in life than IQ. Although to be pedantic, whilst positivity would be an outcome of EI, I don't think transparency is a personal value and perhaps better described as honesty / integrity, and I'd argue professionalism is probably more a job skill in as much as it's about how you apply your knowledge of the job. As an aside, re the West Stand Closure statements debate on here over the last few days, is a difference in values at the heart of it. I'd suggest that integrity / honesty is a high priority for many on here and in my experience it's a strong Yorkshire trait. Whereas I believe it may not be so high for our owners (or whoever is writing the statements) - hence the clash.
It's probably a sign of where we're at in terms of overall satisfaction levels with the running of the club, but I read most of that sub-consciously thinking that all the positive announcements contained within were essentially made necessary by the mass exodus of key personnel in recent weeks. However, it would be churlish not to wish those taking up new roles the very best of luck. Vikki's promotion in particular is an all too rare example, currently, of a recognisable face within the backroom team actually choosing to stay, so is particularly welcome. Most of the names, as you'd expect for the type of roles announced, are unfamiliar. However, I was intrigued by the goalkeeper coach appointment as these are usually ex-players with an element of name recognition, but I'd never heard of Thomas Fawdry. Digging a little deeper, his playing career looks to have been very limited, with a single club in New Zealand being listed. However, he does have a YouTube page with a lot of coaching content within it, which other people may also be interested in. Most of it coincides with his time in Melbourne, but there's some interesting content within it regarding the role of a goalkeeping coach and the methods he adopts.
Completely, no offence. It's just amusing when people pull out HNC Business Studies terminology and it has the opposite effect to the one they intended - ie makes them look silly.
Its just the next wave of people. It just is what it is. I wish the new appointments well, of course. It's just dispiriting our club not only has a never ending treadmill when it comes to our workforce at any level at all, but also encourages it.
It just seems like it's any excuse to club bash at the minute, we've employed some new staff and folk are taking exception with the fairly standard business-******** wording of the announcement. During normal times this thread would have had 3 likes and 0 comments, instead we're on page 2 of making snarky remarks about it. Bit sh it really. But standard for the times I suppose.
Congratulations and good luck to all the new appointees. May your time with the club be successful and rewarding.
Agreed. I've been critical of the club over the West Stand debacle, but I can't see anything but positives in this announcement.
My only comment on this thread was in reply to you. I'm certainly not responsible for what others post, say and think. It is only natural for the bigger backdrop to be considered though, in all walks of life and all situations.
No, you're not responsible for others snarky comments that you've liked. This is a tiny bit of good news, that's all, no need for people to pour scorn all over it due to their current feelings about the club, there are loads of other threads they could do that on. But, that's my feelings made clear. I'm bowing out on this one before I do myself a mischief .
I don't think the comments so far are snarky as such. far less than the usual snides, some of which have liked your comments. But I agree, it's news that isn't bad, obfuscated, or economical with fact or truth. So its all relative, that it may be considered positive against such a backdrop. I'll still say it's just news and until we see if they make any impact, we won't know if it is indeed good, pretty neutral or yet just more bad.
Transparency drip, transparency drip, transparency drip............ Bet we`ve have saved a fair whack of cash on these appointments, but good luck to them all the same.
Welcome to Oakwell all of you and I hope you have a happy and successful time. Congratulations especially to those with internal promotions. You've served your apprenticeship and got your just rewards well done.
Who have we lost in the last few weeks besides Pilkington, Sedgy and an assistant groundsman? I know we lost a couple over the summer, but bar Murray weren't they all replaced?
The announcement includes a new Club Secretary to replace the one that went to Forest with Dane Murphy. Some of the other roles look to be backfilling vacancies in the sports science and analytical departments, created initially when we lost staff who ended up at West Brom with Ismael.