If fans are happy with owners never putting money in the club and partially funding the purchase with operating profit from the club I’d be more than happy to takeover the club.
Just reading though this thread. Although I'm always surprised that anyone would choose to sit in the dump that is the West Stand every season in the state it is in, and pay premium price for it, I do sympathise with those who are left with no option really than getting a refund now. I think the club should refund the pro rata and offer the rest of the season in another seat for this season at no cost for those impacted. Also I think something is incorrect with the seating plan/allocation at Oakwell. I used to have the seat in between myself and my dad for my daughter when it was a kids freebie but she doesn't go to matches any more. That seat is never available to purchase cos I tried to use a flexi ticket, same with the seat next to my dad which we also used to have. So I think something has been messed up in terms of showing which seats are available. If this impacts those seats, how many other seats are potentially showing as taken but defo not. I'm going to email the club and ask why those seats are not available. Surely it's not a covid thing where the buyers haven't yet shown up for a match.
I’m housebound with COVID, at present, and bored out of my mind. I was going to ask Supertyke to be my temporary online best friend, but based on the above response, you’ve got the gig. Best mate.
i really think it’s pretty disgusting. Trying to think of another business they would treat its customers in this way but can’t as I suspect they will long have gone bust. I’m annoyed for you.
Been sitting in the West Stand since 1972. I rang the club today, basically east lower swap for us. East upper, including family stand were all at the back for five sitting together, plus two of us waiting for knee ops so the stairs to the east upper may be a problem. Sort of get the feeling if we asked for a refund we'd just get out of the habit of going, especially with the manager we've got. Did think about getting a refund then a half season ticket when they've sacked him but we will stick with it, can't blame people who haven't as it was a close run thing for us.
I really feel for everyone in the West Stand, There was a lot of community there, That is one of the reasons I've been so vociferous about this sche$$e storm. I used to sit in the West in the late 70's / early 80's when my Mum joined in coming with my Dad & my younger brother. Thrown under the bus. No care for supporters shown whatsoever I'm afraid.
I think that if the club had asked us affected fans to temporarily move whilst repairs are getting carried out then although not being thrilled most would have accepted the situation without a protest & then we could return on work completion, however in the letter we received you get the impression that there are no long term plans for repair or replacement on the horizon so like it or lump it.
It hasn't HAD to close. Greedy ******** chose to close it as a form of blackmail/ extortion to get what they want.
First they came for the Communists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist Then they came for the Socialists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist Then they came for the trade unionists And I did not speak out Because I was not a trade unionist Then they came for the Jews And I did not speak out Because I was not a Jew Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak out for me
That's because the plan is to force the council and crynes to give them what they want at the price they want it. You are simply collateral damage in their plan of acquiring a lot of land at a low price
Like on Tripadvisor Guest; ‘The room was filthy with dog poo splatted up the wall’ Host; ‘Hi. Thank you for the feedback. Your comments have been noted. We look forward to welcoming you for your next stay’.
TBH Plobby, if they shut the ponty & offered me a seat at the top of a floodlight, I would take it but it's your choice.
I don't know why more people haven't cone to this conclusion. It's clearly a nasty negotiating tactic.
We’ve decided to keep our 4 tickets and move to the Ponte end. All of us were on the brink of getting our money back but it’s part of our lives and not something we really wanted to give up. We are planning on giving this season a go then reevaluating in the summer. Still seriously unhappy at what’s taken place and this won’t be forgotten. We’ve been bullied by our own football club.
On the assumption that the West Stand doesn't open again for a long time, if at all... Then next season, when it's renewal time, there should be a special window (a week or two) to allow any former West Stand ST holders to renew and shuffle to a seat more agreeable to them. Preferably this should happen before any other renewals start, to maximise everyone's chances of ending up somewhere suitable.