Curious , are you actually there ?because on the television the few seconds they have shown tells you nothing really, I havn"t a clue how many are there , they could well have been trying to keep a low profile but still be plenty on hand, but the trouble makers will be on film & in bother we hope .
N No I’m not there, but the footage clearly showed the Police getting beaten back and chased down the exits. That doesn’t suggest there’s plenty on hand. Also, why keep a low profile when there’s trouble, it’s the exact opposite what’s required once it kicks off
Someone made a racist remark to a steward,everything is racist nowadays,especially east European fans it seems
I think hes suggesting that theres a lot of racism across the Eastern European countries. He's not wrong.
Wondered how long it would take for someone to comment on this. Another police at fault story ? Maybe they don't wade in anymore because the first to jump on the police brutality bandwagon are the same who put them at fault for doing nothing
I will bow to your expertise you seem to be well informed but I would not rule out one or two of those causing trouble getting a tug at some point, & I feel sure there will be plenty of the boys in blue on hand.
Police heavily outnumbered by racist Hungarian thugs. Woeful Wembley security again when bother was clearly on the cards.
I’m not claiming to be expertise or well- informed or anything else, just saying what I see, and what I’ve previously seen at Wembley. Apparently 1 fan has been arrested for racially abusing a steward, only one arrest after at least 1 copper took a beating is pretty poor.
I could well be wrong but I think there will be more arrests , I am sure the incident tonight is not done & dusted , it will be far easier to lift the herberts on their terms & not on the terraces , its possible some of our canine friends will be there to assist .
Was always gunna happen with the Hungarians. How they were allowed an away following based on their home behaviour beats me May as well let the Millwall lot sit with them Don't blame the police/stewards. It's not unreasonable to expect to attend a game without these low life's spoiling it. W@nkers (swear filter permitting)... W word if it is blocked
Maybe the Met have given all the sex pests in their rank the night off? Hence chased off by 20 Hungarians.
800 fans apparently. There's tv footage though, so more may get arrested after the event. However if you get hit with a police baron first then react in not sure how many will get prosecuted.