And so am I. I love the east stand. However unlike you I still think it's disgusting that the club have closed the west stand for no good reason and treated fans like ****. Is your name Jack?
As in I'm alright Jack, I presume. No it isn't, but I think that I have a different relationship with my football club than you do. I try to be understanding and sympathetic to the problems that the club encounters in the knowledge that funds will always be limited and solutions will be hard to find because of that. I do not expect the owner to invest unlimited amounts of money into the club, money he will almost inevitably never see again. I do not expect the club to thank me for being a loyal supporter because I made my own decisions on the matter and the club never made me any promises about what was possible. In fact, I believe the club has over-achieved over the 56 years that I have supported it in comparison to towns of a similar size and wealth. In short, I expect nothing and I am grateful for what the club has given me. What does wind me up is when I see that the owner has taken money out of the club that is not his to take. I hope that money will be refunded, but otherwise, I do not complain.
Ironic really that someone with Rain in their name appears to be scared of the stuff. The only thing I can think of is that he's got really confused whilst watching Wizard of Oz and thinks that the green woman who melts when she gets wet was called the wicked witch of the west STAND
And the reason for the closure of the west lower too as your excuse is nothing but a guess based on chuff all
You are quite right. My post is based upon a guess, based upon nothing at all. Tell me again what 99.9% of your outbursts are based upon.
Entertainment Index: Red Rain 86 SuperTyke 86 Match 172 Performance Index -54. ( wtf does this ever mean?) PotM the west stand bogs
I had a great view never got wet and the wooden seats and floor were a lot warmer than concrete and plastic. Don’t get me wrong I liked the West Stand but if someone was going to rebuild it I’d be absolutely fine with that and even moving for a year or so whilst it was done. But that’s not where we are
Agreed, said from the start that if the plan was to redevelop the stand then I'd be fine with that but instead it's just going to be left to rot.
For heaven's sake... The reason for the closure could have been included in the direct communcations with affected supporters. The reason for the closure could have been included in the initial club statement. The reason for the closure could have been included in the club's second statement (response to Barnsley Council's statement). The reason for the closure could have been included in the CEO's reply to the Supporters Trust. Why haven't they taken one of the above opportunities to provide a meaningful response?
And they don't want to because they can't justify it. Even if something does explain it, it still doesn't excuse the way they have gone about it. If they can explain all in two days then they can explain all now. It's ********.
They're probably reading the BBS waiting for someone to come up with the best excuse and then run with it "How about the raining one?" "Are you ******* kidding me, Khaled? NO!" "Sorry, sir. Give me a couple more days."