Don’t believe so but Obbi himself in his interview said he turned us down in Jan. Dane and his partner said in seperate interviews it was Danes connections at his old college that made him aware of him & Sol’s age would have ruled him out of a spreadsheet
I would still like to know why there are 4 seats reserved for "data analysts" at the top of the east stand upper since the start of the season and no one has sat in them yet.
I think if it had been a negotiated/agreed lapsing of his contract as has been implied post event, there would have been an article or interview saying he was leaving. We can't possibly now at what stage he was approached and at what point he gave verbal confirmation he was amenable to leaving, but obviously as CEO he's going to be circulating and accessible to other clubs owners.
I was thinking more his comments about Dike, Val & Mowatt TBH. In fairness to the lad generally during his tenure he was pretty honest and open with his answers(where he could be) so the last few suggests either something happened for it all change or he knew he was leaving and wanted an easy ride. Doubt we will ever know
I'm sorry you think that way but nothing is further from the truth.I don't slag people off because its not my style and the way I was fetched up.I very rarely take sides on disputes because by and by the truth is somewhere in the middle. My post I thought was for reasonable debate on transfer policy and nothing else.Other events at the club are out of my control and will get sorted,they always do.
I might be being naive here; but surely any organisation which has an entire business model built on a data driven approach, doesn’t simply choose to dismiss that intelligence for anything other than a very solid business reason. My understanding is that ‘data’ doesn’t make decisions, but that human beings make decisions based on a range of evidence which would include any relevant data. If Conway made decisions about player acquisition, it’s unlikely (though entirely possible) that he ignored the data.
Its not about slagging anyone off though doug o kane tweeted that iseka and oloure were not from "the spreadsheet" I have no reason to doubt him or belive him to be lying the crynes and the 80% have been in a battle for a while now. It always seems anytime conway gets questioned another spin gets put on things by certain posters. Like I said James cryne only got out of order hassle on the way home from Crawley when we were close to the league one relegation zone the plan had just been implemented and was obviously going to take time to work even conor winnall etc took a few seasons to blossom. The spreadsheet and the idea of signing young hungry players has done us well and without it we most likely not be in this league.