I don’t think I’ve heard anything that nonsensical released by the club or it’s representatives. Results and players getting on the scoresheet will increase their value. They can’t seriously think Styles, Britian Helik etc are going to to increase in value because we are playing it out from the back and losing 5 games on the spin. The reason no one came in for players last year might possibly have had something to do with clubs struggling financially, something to do with a global pandemic….I’m sure the players value will shoot up when we are in League 1
The more and more I read about these owners scrimping and not spending a penny of their own money. The more I think are they really billionaires? Why would a billionaire scratch about for £3 million here or there? Doesn't make sense.
Billionaire – snake oil salesman, spiv, swivel eyed-chancer, leech, liar, cheat: usually identified as having no money whatsoever.
Then there's the stalling paying the Cryne's. This 'll end in admin. They haven't got the money to run the club.
Back to honesty. Why instead of making out we could get Dike for a similar amount to what we've previously paid for players did he just not say it depended on our getting to the Prem. Seems those reports of 20 mill from American papers were spot on, especially given that he had not ended up elsewhere in England.
Dane said no bids had come in and that we were in a powerful position to reject any due to contracts, success, everything being on our terms. Also said he didn't expect bids large enough to make us sell to come in due to Covid, which has probably been proven right based on how little activity and spending there has been in the Championship. For what it's worth I actually agree with the sentiment on this - although it shouldn't be at the expense of success. I've said on here that Helik, as an example, being as dominant as he was last season and at the start of this, is worth far more money playing on a team that allows him to show he's also a decent footballer. He's looked really composed on the ball this season, even if defensively we've struggled, and that puts an extra 20% on his value. Even Palmer, in the early games at least, looked way better being allowed to play football rather than watching it sail over his head back and forth. Ignoring he's lost his way recently, nobody would know his true potential just hitting first time clearances back towards the front three.
I've got a lot more sympathy with Schopp now. Clearly a yes man, who's just doing what he's told. Maybe he knew this before taking over, but maybe he didn't - who knows. What a mess we're in.
No. I think we all know we have to sell players to survive but the idea that the squad was wortless at the end of last season is just stupid. Helik, Styles, Brittain, Mowatt (if had still been in contract), Woodrow all had considerable value and certainly far more than they do now. I'm pretty sure covid meant a much reduced activity on the transfer market which would explain a reduction in interest. To suggest clubs wouldn't be interested in players who had finished fifth in ordinary times is just plain daft. From the bits I've read so far about last night's comments from the CEO it sounds like fans are going to have to be a lot more radical about putting the Board's feet to the fire. If all they care about is money then the remedy is simple....make it clear they won't be given any without a change in approach.
They're like Trump, he's a billionaire, Trillion, Millionaire, Gazillionaire. Yet no one knows what he's actually worth and been bankrupt, and bankrupted so many over the years. Wonder why Mr Lee's office is based above a shop? He's Florida's version of Del Boy. Might be worth doing some research into his actual investments. We might have our own Bernie Madoff.
I'd like the EFL to get involved and look at things more closely. It's good that the journo's have finally caught on and done some digging. I suspect this is only the tip of the iceberg.
Summarised perfectly - the fact that seemingly intelligent people think otherwise boggles my mind. I have never seen a statement like that anywhere in football. If we aren't going to try and win ugly because it might have a negative impact "on the value of our assets" - f*ck me - I really do give up. Utter tosh.
We need to perform a mass walk out, not spend a penny behind the kiosks. Make it a truly cashless, alcohol free environment. They need our cash, to pay off their debts. Don't pay em, they don't own the ground. They'll soon sell up.
I said this precise thing probably 2-3 years ago when i had a little look round. You can fairly easily pull together a list of Lee and Conways interests. And past ones. If you're a billionaire, you do not try and make a couple of million quid on a club with a dieing owner, no land assets that is likely to bounce between two leagues.
But we watch football with the hope however faint of on field success the idea that you change the style of play to increase the prospects of selling your best players no matter what damage that does to on field success goes against the ideals of sport. Weve always been a selling club fair enough but that statement takes it to a whole new level. Barnsley FC has ceased being a sporting entity it is now just a retail establishment selling professional footballers and has ceased any pretence to be anything else. A part of my soul died this afternoon it really did.
When we lose 5k season ticket holders after we get relegated that will wipe out a couple of player sales anyway.
Again, an excellent summary. I think we all realise that we'll lose our better players to those higher up the food chain, hell that's always been case. I think most of us are, if not on board, begrudgingly accepting of us setting our stall out as a development club, provided that brings the promise of overall development/progress. To actively turn our back on a winning formula just so we can improve the stats for sale. That's not what I paid my money for and I'll sure as sh*t not be paying again if that's our lot in the football world. Trying to win games of football should be priority 1 for any team.
The quality of mercy is not strained. It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest: It blesseth him that gives and him that takes. 'Tis mightiest in the mightiest; it becomes The thronèd monarch better than his crown. His scepter shows the force of temporal power, The attribute to awe and majesty Wherein doth sit the dread and fear of kings; But mercy is above this sceptered sway. It is enthronèd in the hearts of kings; It is an attribute to God Himself; And earthly power doth then show likest God's Team. & the only Sir Ronald Glavin
I just can't understand it. He is basically saying we need to keep playing like this this year because our success last year didn't sell any players. That is mental. I get we need to sell to stay afloat, but doing what we're doing right now is not going to end well at all.