January - Woodrow styles helik Collins when the locusts cash in.. what does the future look like ?

Discussion in 'Bulletin Board' started by Wath and West Melton, Oct 22, 2021.

  1. Wat

    Wath and West Melton Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2011
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    After reading the engagement notes and speaking to a close pal who saw it all in person his reaction was ‘politicians answers’ from another Conway puppet. The fact that they would not answer any questions thrown at them at random from attendees speaks volumes. Waffle noise hot air let them eat cake you could smell the bull sh*t a mile away.

    it’s now blatantly obvious that if anything at oakwell on and of the pitch involves these charlatans putting their hands in their own pockets and spending their own money it just won’t happen. Everything wrong with the club all back tracks to the same issues ie: if they can’t make a dollar on it then they won’t do it.

    zero ambition zero investment and utter disregard and contempt for our wonderful fans especially the west standers. What they did by putting pounds signs before 1100 or so loyal diehard season ticket holders was unforgivable they can spout what they want but we all know it’s all about making a quick buck they spout utter sh*te.

    billionaire businessmen yet the way they are running the club and the fan communication and disrespect they show for the fans is unbelievable surely they should know better ?

    Schopp looks like a lost three year old child who has just wondered into the stadium he is so out of his depth and he just spouts riddles. I actually feel sorry for him and his family as a human being and he needed removing out of the fire weeks ago.

    The fans toxic anger should instead be thrown at the board a great deal more than schopp as it is them that are bleeding this club dry and having the fans for chimpanzee’s.

    the board the council and the crynes need to get around a table for the good of the club and sort this sh*t storm out asap as the club is in critical trouble long term. In the meantime Rome is burning and all these parties involved sit on their arses whilst it all collapses around them.

    January I fear that anything not nailed down will be sold to cope with the 6/7 million of relegation with zero investment to strengthen the team. Helik Woodrow styles and Collins will be flogged to raise funds that will be banked, so where does that leave the future of BFC. League one football in a ghost town of a two sided crumbling stadium with 399 away fans in an empty 6 thousand capacity stand and six thousand season ticket holders. Even the tumbleweeds will feel lonely. The team today would be no more than mid table league one they are utterly rudderless and three yards off the pace take those four out of the team and no way would we bounce straight back from league one under this boards stewardship and ambition.

    Extremely dark days are ahead on and off the pitch for BFC unless our billionaire owners sort this mess out quick sharp.

    Sunday heart says we are due a win even a broken clock is correct twice a day but head says we will get steamrollered and it could be three or four to nil. Praying that won’t be the case and somehow the stars align and we can win.
  2. Stephen Dawson

    Stephen Dawson Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2018
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    Even through all the 5hit I could take Helik, Styles, Brittain and Woodrow out of this team and give you better prospects of a winning one.

    These players aren't crap they're mentally shot to pieces.
  3. Wat

    Wath and West Melton Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2011
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    Evening Stephen totally agree with you. For val they would run through brick walls they were fit as butchers dogs and had a plan. For schopp they are rudderless which is seriously affecting their individual and as a collective team performance and it’s getting worse game by game.

    Schopp talks in riddles he’s a lost lonely soul who needs putting out of his misery.

    the real serious issues lie solely at the boards door

    the recent radio sheff interview with our new CEO speaks volumes. The sole interest for BFC is generating cash and profit and nothing else matters at all. Was he upset we lost to Swansea in the play offs ? No he was peed off no big bids came in……..case closed my friend !
  4. ley

    leythtyke Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2019
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    I’ll reserve judgement till the 1st Feb. As nonsensical as the idea is that the playing style was the main reason we didn’t get bids for players, we do need to maximise player values. The whole model of the club is to develop players and sell for profit, otherwise how do we cover the shortfall between income and operating costs (was it 5m in the 19/20 accounts?). So can understand the logic behind some of the CEO’s comments.

    But hopefully that doesn’t mean repeats of the January ‘17 or August ‘19 windows where the team is completely ripped apart.
    GP186 and Loko the Tyke like this.
  5. Old

    Old Gimmer Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2011
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    Problem is that any player that can be sold, will be sold, if the model substantially relies on player sales. Clearly our season ticket revenue, other commercial revenues and EFL distribution monies do not adequately support the club's activities. Although allegedly siphoning off £750k obviously doesn't help. The more I think about it the more downhearted I become...

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