Let’s Go Brandon, a track by an American Rapper, has been banned by YouTube on the grounds of medical misinformation. Not relevant to China/Taiwan, but the title made me think of it. This kind of sensorineural and social media algorithm control is such a worry for me.
Isn't that the right/libertarian point of view though - that private companies should be entitled to decline business from anyone? Like the Christian bakers who refused to make gay cakes?
Depends on if it was banned for the reasons given or the fact it means f*** Joe biden and the reasons given were merely fictional . Do remember last year you would have been banned on YouTube / FB / twitter for daring to say COVID came from the Wuhan lab even though there's plenty of evidence which leads to that conclusion. Gain of function research and all that ....
Well if it does turn out that gain of function was taking place then it certainly makes that lyric a half truth . Do remember CNN / msmbc etc have spent the last 2 months lying through their back teeth saying a certain demographic ( trump voters ) have been taking horse medication . Strangely though no ban for lying unlike the song on YouTube . If your going to have censorship it's got to be at best consistent .
It's pretty clear that's not what the lyrics are referring to. They're suggesting that Covid isn't real. But that's beside my main point - the right don't see a private business choosing what views to endorse/restrict as censorship until it's their views being restricted.
I’m confused as to what this has to do with ‘the right’ or any political point of view, or why you’ve gone down that path? I wasn’t mentioning it from any political stand point. Censorship like this is wrong, in my opinion, when it comes from supposed non-biased/free to air social platforms that can influence algorithms and choose what is shared from the people who have accounts. That would be the same if it was this, something the opposite to this, and the same in the case of the banned #NaturalImmunity hashtag on Instagram. I don’t care if the people at the top of these organisations are left or right aligned, they shouldn’t control which of my posts can be shared just based on what their opinion is. I think that’s a dangerous and slippery slope, and is consistent with this same conversation we had nearly 12 months ago. Politics doesn’t even come in to it.
Just interesting when you choose to pipe up on these issues. A song intentionally spreading misinformation to foment political unrest is a strange point of defence.
I'm no fan of Putin, but there are some subtleties with regards to Crimea which don't apply to Taiwan. The vast majority of the population there always considered themselves to be Russian, and that, coupled with the fact that for the 24 years since independence the Ukrainian government had completely neglected the peninsula letting its infrastructure crumble to the point of a lot of it not being fit for purpose and it's hardly surprising that most people welcomed the idea of secession from Ukraine. Unemployment was high, and pensions were often not paid on time. Yes, the results of the referendum were unfeasible, but even if it had been carried out fairly, most political scientists are of the opinion that the vote would have been at least 65% in favour of joining Russia, probably even higher. With the rest of Ukraine, that is clearly not the case. Even in the Russian speaking east, there isn't a clear majority that would like to join Russia, and Putin knows this. He may be many things, but he's not a fool. Even if Russia was somehow able to take Eastern Ukraine peacefully, the amount of money needed to integrate it would be staggering, so the move would be extremely unpopular at home, where average people are far more concerned with inflation and the crumbling healthcare system. Any "hot" invasion of Ukraine would be so costly in terms of both money and public sentiment that one way or another it would lead to the collapse of the government, and Putin well understands this.
Likewise , the whole russiagate hoax during trump's term also sewed political unrest but no talk of any censorship . https://www.theguardian.com/us-news...clinton-lawyer-charged-lying-fbi-trump-russia Their even starting to round up the protagonists from source and press charges . Do you think all the news networks should be censored for pushing a hoax ? By my reckoning that would leave fox news . Worth a read . Certainly puts what's happened over the last 4/5 years and the recent escalation against China into context .
Interesting which topics you decide need defending or arguing against though just like I said yesterday. You defend the right of a ******** song claiming that the pandemic is fake basically because it attacks Biden who coincidentally was who's rival?
No I wouldn’t. Because that’s hatred and just like the racists online should be banned and never seen. Something else I’ve been consistent about with these social media companies who I have very little time for. I thought it was pretty clear I was talking about censoring on a mainstream/normal level, but if I wasn’t then I should have been clearer
See post earlier. I’m not referencing hatred. To even think I would be, considering I’ve posted on here for over a decade, isn’t good. I should have been much clearer.
Pipe up I mean it happened in the last 48 hours and the post has that in the title. You think it’s piping up, I think it’s not something I’d not mention on the BBS without a thread that has that exact thing in the title. Songs have attacked politics for decades. Misinformation is rife on every side of politics every day in every country. China don’t seem to ever get censored. And we’ve got murderers buying football clubs in the UK. Where does censoring start/end? Or is it only if it’s something that aligns with what you think and believe, and then it’s ok? Royal you by the way
Christopher Steel the ex MI6 Russia specialist wrote the dossier in question. The Dems took everything as a fact. Steel wasn't confirming all in the dossier to be accurate. However the Intel he provided had a higher than normal chance of being accurate. Steel's been treated appalling, made to sound like a crank. He most certainly isnt, he's highly regarded for his knowledge and understanding of all things Russia, FSB and Putin. He's finally broken his cover and wrote a book and yesterday did an interview with Sky News. Please read what he says, it's also pertinent for the UK. The PM and his cronies are way way too close to the Kremlin. Shady deals and dodgy Russia money welcomed on a weekly basis. We now have the son of a prominent KGB official in the House of Lords. Dems shouldn't have over egged the pudding, they shouldn't have hid the fact they'd used Mr Steel. Instead if they'd been truthful, they'd have been attacked by the Reps but the info provided may have changed minds. Not just voters but the Republican party. Now it's the party of Trump, and let's not forget what happened on Jan 6th. Which wasn't caused by Antifa, FBI, CIA or B&Q.
You appear to be advocating for peoples deaths on the basis that privately owned corporations in the public sphere have a duty not to filter information, regardless of its scientific accuracy. Which is precisely what's happened in relation to Covid.
I’m certainly not, and this isn’t a rabbit hole I’d like to go through online before a lunchtime kick off, but you could argue that there’s been a misinformation and lack of accuracy on what the media have shared here which would be in line with your thinking and opinion. It’s also an issue with them filtering what they agree with and what they don’t. Not filtering out or censoring those things that deserve to be.