Having attended today's game and been watching the team since 1967,I have to say the behaviour of some supporters today 8was a disgrace. I would be happy if the club closed the section of the Ponty nearest the corner stand and gave people a refund. Constant singing of "we've got/lost the ball" isn't and wasn't funny or ironic. You are embarrassing, throwing 2 flares in a football stadium, shows you are also criminals. Abusing a player for missing a goal chance, well!. Then the sudden change after the second goal went in,sickening, hypocritical and embarrassing. There was 30 minutes to go after their second goal,rather than support the players to help them get back into it,which was easily possible. You created a unpleasant negative atmosphere. The players are already short of self confidence and belief, how did it help? Nice that players were applauded at the end but the bullying of Markus Schopp when he came to thank supporters.... I have seen the club in lower leagues, with smaller crowds and in worse shape,even at the moment it's not as bad as it's been before. Today was a low point for Barnsley FC supporters.
I didn't like the booing of schopp At full time I want him to go, but I've been critical of him just doing one at full time and not applauding supporters. But today he came over to applauded and got booed and abused I did feel abit for him then. As pyros go its a derby plenty going off in the away end.
Give over. How many people threw a flare? At most 2 but most likely just 1. The singing was hilarious imo. Everyone around me in the east stand were laughing at it (except one who I think is probably Paul Conway's relation or something)
Logging off........ Fans will always show their true feelings. It's a complete **** show right now I find it more embarrassing when fans have a go at others for that shower we are being served up.
People who set off flares (or "pyros" as they pathetically call them to sound cool) are *****. As for booing etc. normally I agree but with Conway there I feel the fans are within their rights to make their feelings known. The team and Schopp were given a fair bit of support today given recent results and it only turned when we imploded as usual. Also "we couldn't score in a brothel" was pretty funny.
I thought the “we’ve got the ball/we’ve lost the ball” was a good chant tbh. Certainly got some noise in the ground. Sheff United were quiet I thought. Never been a fan of pyros though.
I've no problem with them booing Schopp at full-time. He's the most useless Head Coach in living memory.
I disagree. We'd let them score 3 goals, why shouldn't fans who have paid over 30 quid a ticket in some cases not find some solace in ironic chanting. My favourite was "West Stand give us a song"! I am supportive of the players, but part of the reason they get the wages and lifestyle is because of paying fans in the stadium. They have to take the rough with the smooth .Not saying that abusive comments don't cross the line though.
The we’ve lost the ball chant was one of the funniest I’ve heard in years. The highlight of a pretty crap day.
I thought twenty minutes of we've got the ball, we've lost the ball was actually funny and lightened a toxic atmosphere.
Not sure that I agree with this post. When you're 2 down at home to your neighbours, where they're into chanting how s hit we are, when they're enjoying themselves and you aren't, tbh I'm surprised it didn't become more toxic. It has done in the past. Then it went to 3 If fans want to sing things that are silly then that's a fair bit better than the "you're gonna get your f****** heads kicked in", of yesteryear. Whoever lit flares might well be idiotic, but have you watched European football? They're not happy in Turkey and Greece and even Germany unless they're lobbing flares about all the time. All in all, with the applause for the players (from me included) at full time, I thought we were somewhat restrained. Plus it didn't stop the team trying anyway. Perhaps they need negativity from the kick off. We might win a game.
They were singing couldnt score in a brothel at Blackpool away thats when schopps reign should have come to a end. But back then he had support.
The "weve got the ball/lost the ball" chanting was hilarious. As was "couldnt score in a brothel" and "west stand give us a song" All brilliant moments that lightened my otherwise terrible mood and maybe a sense of humour is required. The smoke bomb things arent good.. but if you honestly think the fans chants are a low point of today considering the shambles in the dugout.. well i give in.
As I just posted on another thread I was proud of the fans today, humour replaced toxicity. Thought we were class. Just shows hey opinions..
Sorry for trying to enjoy myself a bit, when the team were utterly wânk, and I felt as though I had no choice other than to make my own entertainment. Next time, I'll just sit there, staring vacantly into the middle distance, when the same terrible formation, tactics, and team selection, inevitably lead to the same joyous haul of zero fücking points.