Someone had a smoke bomb. Doyles had absolutely no idea what to do. A group of around 7 stewards stood at the front of the ponty staring at it in blind panic. Woman was struggling to breathe from it (or was having some kind of medical reaction to it) and again no idea what to do. Few minutes later another smoke bomb and the same panicked reaction. I hope to god that there is never a serious situation at oakwell because I have more faith in Marcus schopp to manage an evacuation than I have Doyle's security.
100 % agree mate. The young woman seemed quite distressed, hope she recovers quite quickly- Don't for one minute think the idiot who threw it gives a damn about anyone else's safety.
Did we sign a 50 year contract with them or something? They've been providing stewards at Oakwell for as long as I can remember and they always been sh ite.
It's always been the same, they're a useless mob who don't have a clue what they're suppose to be doing apart from when the phase 5 announcement comes over the tannoy and then I've never seen them move so quick
They posted on Facebook a few months ago that 'we have once again been chosen to provide security and stewarding on matchdays' which suggests for me it's a new contract.
Even that had to be announced twice at a recent game because they didn't respond properly. And then repeated a match or two later.
I appreciate that they're trying to use local businesses, but come on, it's been years of poor service.
Just to add a bit of balance. I worked with Doyle's pre season. A member of their team came to our course, where we wrere preparing adults with learning disabilities for work. This was done with the intention of getting some of our participants into work / volunteering at Oakwell. Our participants struggle with numeracy/ litearcy, not with practical tasks. Doyles went over and above what needed to be done. They met our group on several occasions, and were flexible to allow them to attend the mandatory training (to be stewards). Our participants went through the training and were "recruited" to start work ahead of the Birmingham match. As a reassurance to a couple of the trainees, a Job coach was allocated to oversee on their first day at Oakwell. At this stage, BFC blocked the job offers, stating that our participants weren't ready. Our participants had, at this point had 8 weeks additional training in customer service, work ethic, turnstile operation, etc, over and above the standard training that the usual recruits get. They were offered the additional support to help, not because they couldn't do the job, but because this is standard practise by the employment service they were linked to. Had they been given the option, they would have declined the Job coach support, and got on with it. They lost paid work, because there was a department offering them extra support, to make sure they were successful. Throughout this process, Doyles were accommodating, proactive. It was BFC quoting "health and safety" that stopped it. Sound familiar??
Maybe so but given all the training and extra support in place would that not mean the thought process was these people have learning disabilities and as such aren't capable so pose a risk. It is a subject very close to my heart so I may be over stating it.
Yes, it’s a subject close to mine too - I was pointing out that the staff from Doyles invested a decent amount of time in making it happen. I can’t tell you what happened at the club end, but it put an end to alot of hard work, and dashed the hopes of some of our participants, whose only crime was to be offered extra support.
They've always be the same in the past I've personally seen them drag bits of kids over the perimeter wall for messing about when a bollocking would have sorted it but yet let older lads and men get away with all sorts.