Didnt look too bad from other side.What about taking the roof off is asbestos the problem. That should make the front terraces safe to be used.(south and north).Rip out the old upper seating,and rebuild in sections from south to north.Nothing to worry about when they get to centre section as that is safe eee
As I understand it, the issue is that a risk assessment has been done on the stand and it has so many issues that the CEO can't allow it to be used by fans for fear of an accident or occurance that leave the club open to litigation.
So the 100 folk sitting in there today have signed an exclusion from indemnity agreement? Happy Clapper!
I merely explained my understanding of what Khaled had said from the fan engagement meeting. I can assure you my hands have not been brought together in joy, and neither have I smiled about football today. But the fewer people in a building, the less risk there is. That's why they only allow so many people in a lift at a time. Its safe for a certain number.
But his story changes every time someone digs a bit. If it’s a fire risk it shouldn’t be used for anyone. It has a safe number of fans allowed on the certificate from last months inspection and it’s passed safe for almost its full capacity You lift analogy is nonesense. Let’s be fair here you can’t tell me why the stand has been closed. Last one I heard was a wall fell down a year ago. (Since repaired by the way) it’s a fire risk. The turnstiles are old and the bogs are poor and ther is a hole in the floor it’s just a hotchpotch of smoke and mirrors. Why is the west Lower closed that’s 30 years old and concrete. What’s the plan to address the issues As far as I can see there isn’t one. Or a clear explanation as to how we proceed. No unbiased person can defend this
I'm not defending it. Just explaining the latest version of what was said as I see it. And the lift analogy isn't directly relevant, but was an over-simplification of the problem. If you can evacuate 10 people per minute from a venue and you need to have every body out in 60 minutes to comply with fire regs, you can have 600 people in a venue. In any public building this must be documented in a fire plan linked to a fire risk assessment. Due to (alleged) breaches in fire compartments (holes between floors) in the west stand Khaled says he can't allow people in there because the risk is too great. I take this to mean they either can't guarantee they can evacuate all season ticket holders from the West Stand quickly enough in case of a fire, or there's a chance that a fire could take hold of the West Stand internally that could spread to the supporter area without sufficient protection in place. I'm not saying that I agree with either scenario, or that they're not easily fixed, just that I know that in other buildings similar scenarios have happened which has limited capacities or forced closures.
I never understand lifts, a lot say 13 people and I always wonder how they physically fit that many into a normal sized one. So if anything the maximum number seems to be more than they can hold!
I'm in denial over my weight though!! It's often both but usually says no. of persons in the biggest letters.
So have the suits finally settled on this latest idea....a fire hazzard? Its just im soooo confused .....every week another story of why they have closed it. Are they sticking this one then? or will they change this when someone sees holes (pardon the pun) through the fire excuse.
Given the stand is supposedly unsafe, or a fire risk, or the red brick wall "may" be at risk of collapse.... was the stand fenced off on the street facing perimeter to ensure people on Grove Street weren't "in danger"?
I meant that I thought the ‘number of persons’ was based on the weight, not dimensions. I know it says both but most people wouldn’t be able to look at just the weight specifications and know how many people that relates to so I thought it just expressed it in a way that people could relate to. I’ve no idea though!