....re West Stand - asbestos roof - holes in the floor - unsafe. Easy for us to criticise him but he's the guy who would sign off the structure as 'safe' and consequently the guy who would end up in court if an accident occurred. Would any of us sign it off as 'Safe?' The fact is the West Standers wherever they have moved to are in a safer place. ...and why is it that some of those who now object to its closure were the most vociferous a few weeks ago in wanting the stand closed because it was old/an eyesore/ etc?
Given it's so unsafe.... has it been completely fenced/cordoned off so nobody can access the site? I'd imagine someone who thinks they are at such risk of corporate manslaughter would take their responsibilities seriously and ensure the general public weren't put in harms way.
I don't think the state of the eyesore is the issue, it's the fact that it was closed mid-season. I still want it bulldozing, but they shouldn't have sold tickets for it. If there were holes in floor in October, there were holes in the floor in June.
The CEO didn't mention anything about asbestos unless i missed something, If asbestos was a reason for it closing the stand then no-one would be sat there but as it was there were a 100 or so in there, unless those people are immune to asbestosis as well as being fire resistant. It took me 10 minutes to get out of the ground from the east upper yesterday as opposed to 2 minutes maximum from the west upper, i know which one i'd feel more confident about getting out of safely incase of an emergency.
Wow absolutely remarkable!...so the only place there is no asbestos in the entire west stand is where directors and press sit.....crikey whats the chances of that eventuality!!!!
Poor. Due diligence, like any organisation, is done in the off-season, to ensure everything is in place prior to the new season starting. To that end, safety certificates were issued and the entire stadium deemed ready. To then decide 5 games in that it is in fact not ready is appalling. If Khaled is a structural engineer along with everything else on his glowing CV, then I bow to his knowledge and thank Christ he has seen something that those who issued the certificate didn't.
So i make that 4 different stories! Structural Operational proceedures Fire now asbestos... Wanna go for another? I can remember years ago, when i was a kid, coming in late (bunnywooding) and telling my dad just 2 different sceanarios.....lets just say it never happened again!
Thats a load of tosh The asbsetos one is definitely incorrect - but even if there is asbestos for example in the roof its not a health hazard unless someone is generating dust eg by drilling or sawing it The Fire hazard one is dubious as well - if it didn't meet fire safety regs it wouldn't get a safety certificate and although you could argue if its wasn't structurally safe for 4500 people it might be safe for 100 that argument doesnt apply for Fire safety But in any case lets say you are right, I dont think you are but lets assume you are - I can see a case for closing the West Upper but there is no case for closing the west lower its concrete and was totally rebuilt when the seating was put in - its actually our newest stand what is the justification for closing the West lower exactly - I really cannot see any good reason - the only reasons given by the club either apply to the upper or are too trivial - lack of a disabled loo, old turnstiles are the only ones I can think of Also as pointed out above - in an emergency the West Upper can be evacuated in a lot less time than the East Upper as it has a short straight staircase per approx 350 fans unlike the East Upper that has much longer staircases which double back multiple times for than 4/5 times the number of fans per staircase.
It is an eyesore. It's looked neglected and borderline unsafe for years. It's been only half open for years because of access concerns etc. People are fed up because this scenario has been coming down the line for a long time and nothing has been done to avert it. Instead they've prevaricated until the last possible moment, lost supporters, lost goodwill and treated the fans that sit in there badly. So thanks for your comments but they don't wash as far as I'm concerned.
It is very easy for us to be critical of the decision made by the recently appointed CEO but is there anyone who would be willing to pit their name to signing off the West Stand as safe knowing that if things went badly wrong they risk a charge of corporate manslaughter?
No, but then again if the club had acted appropriately the stand would have been closed pre-season. At least then people could make a decision in advance as to whether or not they want to buy a season ticket. Like I said, if the stand is in such a state in October that it needs shutting, then it would also have been in a similar state in June. Unless we've had a tornado or a highly localised earthquake in the interim, that I'm unaware of.