Nothing football related allowed. Mine is that both Kes and a Kestrel for a Knave are massively overrated. Sorry.
A lot of people care too much about how other people look. Hated it growing up and see plenty of evidence online and at matches that it’s still a thing (meaning things like commenting on how people dress e.g. footballers in skinny jeans, wearing gloves, hairstyles etc. rather than more serious matters). I’ve honestly never known another place like it.
So many people are so scarred by the pit closures and the fall out from it that they simply cannot move forward out of the 80's. I don't agree with the way it was done but I'm glad going 'darn t'pit' won't be an option for my boys when they leave school.
I think this post smacks of not being able to move forward, If we were stuck in the 80s I can tell you that The Town would’ve voted remain in the EU. Their wouldn’t be a Tory MP anywhere near the borough of Barnsley. Yes, the working conditions in the pits were far from ideal, but at the same time, many would’ve been happy enough to see out their working lives as miners, especially as there was no viable and long term plan to replace that. Things that I truly wish would’ve remained from the early 80s was the shared camaraderie of most of the community, not just mining. The general ‘looking out’ for each other. It wasn’t perfect, but It was a darn site better place to live in than most
Forgot to add, given that this Town, ( along with others) has seen nothing but vindictive Attacks from successive Tory Govts, It is they who are stuck in the past.
Went for a bike round once around barnsley surrounding areas. Worst roads ever. The one in monk bretton a think. Burton Road been the worst ever. Narrow walkways bendy roads. No space for old folks to walk barely. It's a joke that road. Only ever been twice and felt very unsafe and that's just once on a bike and once in the car.
The insularity that used to be part of the culture when the pits were open used to produce a common sense of purpose and community. Now it’s poisoned and manifests itself only in xenophobia and hatred. Community is all but gone. Makes me pretty sad tbh.
The failure of the Education system in Barnsley has more to do with a lack of ambition from many parents, than it does the quality of the provision itself.
As a lad from Kendray who went to school when the teachers were turning out future miners and machinists for SR Gents and that's all that mattered. I'm proud that my 2 kids went to university and I couldn't agree with you more far too many are prepared to accept the status quo and blame where they live rather than their attitudes for their lot in life and try to drag everybody else down.
Who’s trying to drag anyone down? I’m from Kendray, went to the Oaks, left school with no educational qualifications. Worked down the mine for 16 years, went to University and graduated with a BA Honours degree. I know plenty of Those that didn’t who became successful business people, nobody’s dragging anybody down except this fekin Govt
But there are those who think they are owed a living you know the ones who turn up at school in their PJs with a can of Aldi lager in one hand and a cig in the other well that's when they can be bothered to take their kids to school. Then because their kids have no discipline they start playing up and disrupting class that's dragging others down. I'm no fan of the Tories you've only to look at some of my other posts to realise that but sometimes it's easy for us in Barnsley to blame them for every problem we face. It's a sad fact that there is a substantial section of the population in Barnsley who do nothing to help themselves improve their lot in life and are just prepared to accept the status quo and foster that same àtitude in their kids. I left school in 1983 so was new to the world of work just when things went to **** in Barnsley and yes that was down to the Tories. I've had a couple of short periods of unemployment but guess what when I needed work I went out and got it even though that's meant me working outside Barnsley most of my working life and having to retrain twice at first I worked in retail then in the insurance industry and now IT. I too went to the Oaks and before that Hunningley lane junior but unlike some of my peers Ive not accepted my lot I've tried to improve it and I'm pleased to say my kids have adapted the same ideals.
I'm relaxed about it... until I hear it on tv. Then it sounds awful. Unless I'm watching Kes. Then it sounds wonderful.