Every time i leave the site and then return it keeps logging me out and i have to log in again despite clicking the box asking to keep me logged in. Any ideas?
I had this issue a few weeks ago on Firefox. A reboot and an updated version of the browser fixed the issue.
It started a few weeks back on my Android tablet but its OK on my Android phone and on my PC. Bloody nuisance.
This is now happening to me. Using Edge on android and have tried clearing cookies and checking the remember box to no avail???
Working fine for me today (Chrome / Win10) but I do have some days where it is a bit of a chore. Even clicking 'like' on someone's post takes me to the login prompt, with the message "you need to be logged in to do that". Even though I am!! A minor annoyance, and it might be down to me using multiple devices for all I know!! Phone and Tablet I have the option ticked to 'keep me logged in' ........ Laptop I don't generally tick that. No reason .......
I thought I was going daft when this started happening to me a few weeks back on the desktop. Funny thing is it's stopped by itself. I haven't done anything to remedy it.
Theres nothing worse than log problems, especially if you're sitting there biting the sink edge or chewing a towel and it feels like you're trying to pass a lump of concrete.
It's something to do with site permissions. Once I allowed it to be trusted it stopped causing me problems.
A Although I have been asked after liking a post if I'm sure? Happened a couple of time recently, not come across that before