You daft bugger, but at least you get a last meal. For me, a grilled tomahawk steak, corn on the cob, Mac and cheese and 6 ice cold cans of rootbeer. What's yours?
I wonder if anyone with a nut allergy has ever asked for peanuts to have the last laugh. Would they try and revive you just to kill you? Or if I was lactose intolerant I'd ask for a gallon of milk just to give them a reyt mess to clean up on my way out.
Bottle of black label Johnny Walker & a few bags of quavers. & a fumble with Winona Ryder, wouldn’t go amiss..
think that would be a worse way to die, struggling to breathe surely? I don't think I'd have much appetite , but if I could get drunk on champagne that might help!
The ways executions are carried out can be horrendously painful as well. There are more humane options, but they choose not to use them. As if the death penalty isn't barbaric enough. But anyway, that's off topic. Serious answer for last meal - probably a T bone steak and a nice bottle of red.
Sounds a lot but I suppose you could put any left overs in the fridge for the next day, oh wait a minute
Chicken leg, sage and onion stuffing, mashed potatoes, roast potatoes, sprouts, carrots, two yorkshire puddings, three pigs in blankets, and the whole lot covered in apple sauce. Followed by a large serving of treacle sponge pudding and custard. Or a large slice of chocolate gateau. Or both. Followed by two cups of coffee and a box of after eight mints.
I might go for a bacon sarnie. What’s the point of being vegan, when your number’s up.? Of course I wouldn’t..
Dumplins in corned beef stew. Brown sauce and thick uncut bread...Jam roly poly wi thick custard and at least 3 pints of proper Guinness from brewery in Dublin...if ah ad to av a starter melted camambert wi red onion chutney and toasted soldiers...nearly worth toppin somebody
How about something so rancid and out of date it would make you so ill you'd WANT someone to put you out of your misery?
Harold shipman asked for an apple,he said I could murder a Granny Smith,is that too much ?,am I cancelled ?,it won’t bring them back,it was only a joke