If there was an option for him to come and do a job til the end of the season, and we then recruit a new manager I’d say yes. Similar to when Warnock went to Rotherham. Anyone who thinks Mick could do a worse job than Schopp is bonkers. These players need discipline and guidance - and some experience. MM probably doesn’t want the long term gig anyway. But it’s all hypothetical because our Board thinks it’s ok for us just to slide down the leagues with a whimper. I’m not just blaming Conway. They are all responsible. Lee, Conway, Parekh, Cryne, Hung They all have a say.
From the horse’s mouth over dinner a few years ago: “I’d love to, but the time has never been right, and I’m not sure it will ever be right.” I doubt working with these owners would be very tempting, but the “he doesn’t want it” rhetoric is not necessarily true.
Sorry, fi....maybe he'd had a glass of wine! I've worked with him at various tournaments down the years and that's always been his position. At least that's what he's told me. I don't doubt he has moments where he might contemplate it
No chance. The man is a legend for me along with Winstanley, Howard and Evans. It would be painful to see him sacked.
We need someone willing to implement the style preferred by the owners, a head coach, not a manager who'll come in and expect to sign his own players and ignore the spreadsheet. Mick doesn't tick any of those boxes, not a cat in hells chance he would work under our owners nor would they want him. I think the plan the owners have is fine for the on the pitch strategy, I'm more then happy for us to play pressing football with a bit more style then under big Val, its just that Schopp has proved himself unwilling or unable to implement it.
Checkout a post by @Bossman the other day. Conway has intimated he's looking but can't find a credible replacement.
All this about Mick McCarthy coming to Oakwell is nonsense. At Mick's time of life he won't be bothered about returning to any club nevermind Barnsley F C. He won't be short on cash and certainly would not be willing to take on a job where he has no say on player purchases.It would not surprise me if he quits football management and takes the 'pundit' role or just quit football full stop.
Big and possibly only supporter of your campaign but can we have the Spear of Destiny Mickey instead? I’d upload myself if I knew how but I’m sure it would be a better campaign song if only for the incessant ‘I wanna go home’ chorus!
The only upside of this for me would be the entertainment value when Mick gave his honest opinion of the structure he was working under. I doubt he'd even consider it anyway, but if he were ever to come here I would want it to be in a situation where he would be supported by a Board that had the same aims as he did. Besides, how many more jobs does he have left in him, compared to a life of punditry/retirement. Big chance that there would be no prospect of a release clause being triggered. Thankfully his legendary status continues to appear secure. I'd take him in a heartbeat as a replacement, but the bar is so low on this currently that it doesn't reflect any views as to whether I think he'd ultimately succeed here. Literally the only requirement to improve matters would be to select the best available starting 11, who are drilled to carry out a tactical system they've worked on consistently in training. Right now the only people I'd think were as equally unappealing as Schopp would be Morais and Lee Johnson, and I had to think really hard before including Johnson within that.
Go on then, I'll play.... ...Used to be into electronics, but things have changed big time now, thermionic valves just don't cut it anymore (unless you're into real hi-fi), wish I'd kept abreast of things. Got back into photography because of the emergence of digital cameras - at least it gets me out. Used to play bridge in tournaments, miss it a lot, like to get back into it. Also like american pool (9 ball), seeing how I can't cut it at snooker anymore. Used to love travelling too, but that's curtailed at the moment. So combining the passion for photography, travel and drinking beer.... only took me 20 bottles to get this one hic...